Subinay Nandy introduces the UN post quake relief work that's being carried out in Haiti. [Maverick Chen /] |
Subinay Nandy, UNDP China Country Director, stressed the urgent need for tents and temporary shelter for the more than 1 million displaced people in Haiti. "We need to help people where they are," said Nandy. "That means providing tents or other materials, including plastic sheeting, tarpaulin and wood. Although the government has requested 200,000 family-sized tents, so far, only 35,500 are in the country."
Nandy also spoke to the benefits of UNDP's "Cash-for-Work" programme which, for less than US$5 per person per day, employs people in activities such as rubble and waste removal. This serves the dual purpose of kick-starting economic activity while the workers supply vital services that cannot be coordinated by the government.
Currently 11,500 people are employed by the program. The goal is to scale it up to create 220,000 temporary jobs benefiting approximately 1.5 million people.
Zhou Xun, Chinese renowned actress and UNDP China's National Goodwill Ambassador, who shared her condolences for the disaster affected population of the Caribbean island country. [Maverick Chen /] |
Also present in the briefing session was Zhou Xun, the renowned actress and UNDP China's National Goodwill Ambassador, who shared her condolences for the disaster affected population of the Caribbean island country. "I strongly urge the Chinese business community and concerned Chinese citizens to take action for Haiti as they did in Sichuan, to help Haitians in 'building back better and greener."