People Living with HIV/AIDS in villages of Thyolo have a meeting twice every month to support each other. A lot of these patients now receive their drugs through the Community ART Group (CAG) model of care, which is a community-based initiative that brings together ARV patients to take turns on a rotating basis to collect ARVs every month. Andy Bawanali, MSF CAG mentor will also join those patient support meetings in different villages in Thylo every three months for a routine follow up supervision of those groups. It is a life long challenge for people to take medicine everyday and keep on the treatment so the CAG provide a platform for people to better support each other, and educate themselves. In this patient support meeting, people know each other and identify members of his CAG with people living nearby or who have developed good relationship with them, then they volunteerly register in the clinic as a CAG. [Photo/Baozhu WEI/MSF]