Soledad O'Brien
Soledad O'Brien
News anchor and correspondent who has explored black and brown America, with shows like 'Black in America' and 'Pictures Don't Lie,' a CNN documentary about civil rights photographer Ernest Withers.
Influence: 108.3
Substance: 8
Media: 845
Internet: 426000
Job: News anchor and special correspondent
Sector: Entertainment/Media
Location: New York City
Age: 45
Soledad O'Brien explores issues affecting nonwhite America. Her Black in America series examines various facets of African-American life, including family, debt and solutions to longstanding problems. Other projects include Latino in America and Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door. The daughter of an Afro-Cuban mother and Australian-American father of Irish descent, O'Brien was named Journalist of the Year in 2010 by the National Association of Black Journalists. Sorority Delta Sigma Theta recently named O'Brien an honorary member.