Theme of World Wetlands Day in 2010: Wetlands, Biodiversity, and Climate Change
The slogan: Caring for wetlands – an answer to climate change.
Organizations: Sichuan Wildlife Conservation Association
??????????????????????? Chengdu Bird Watching Society
Time: Feb 2. 2010, 9:00 am- 11:30 am
Location: Chengdu Huanhuaxi Park
Application: send email or call: 18980992259
The activities in Huanhuaxi Park include:
Introducing the knowledge of wetlands.
Explaining the situation of wetlands in Chengdu.
Experiencing the wetlands at the Huanhuaxi Park.
Sending questionnaires to the local people to investigate the knowledge of wetlands in Chengdu.
Playing games to develop the understanding of the importance of wetlands for birds.
Please bring your own tools to look into the wetlands, such as binoculars, notebook, pens and cameras.
Please also bring an umbrella.
Children need to be accompanied by teachers or parents.