February 2 is World Wetlands Day (WWD) - established in 1997 to mark the signing of the International Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar.
WWD was celebrated for the first time in 1997 and made an encouraging beginning. Here are the past themes since 1997.
?????1997: Wetlands: a Source of Life
1998: Water for Wetlands, Wetlands for Water
1999: People and Wetlands: the Vital Link
2000: Celebrating Our Wetlands of International Importance
2001: Wetlands World-A World to Discover
2002: Wetlands: Water,Life,and Culture
2003: No Wetlands - No Water
2004: From the Mountains to the Sea,Wetlands at Work for Us
2005: Culture and Biological Diversities of Wetlands
2006: Wetland as a Tool in Poverty Alleviation 2007: Wetlands and Fisheries
2008: Healthy Wetland, Healthy People
???? 2009: Upstream-Downstream: Wetlands connect us all
???? 2010: Wetlands, Biodiversity, and Climate Change