Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil el-Arabi expressed his wishes on Monday that the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) could succeed in leading the coming period and keeping peace for the Libyan people.
Stressing the role of the AL in reinforcing the human rights and the Arab charters, Arabi expressed AL support for the current efforts of the NTC.
In a statement issued by the AL, Arabi called on all Libyan powers to provide security, stability and safety for the Libyan citizens and foreigners as well, in such period considered as " crucial juncture in the modern history of Libya."
"We hope the council efforts are successful in leading the new phase and protecting the independence, sovereignty, and integrity of Libya," the Cairo-based pan-Arabic body said in a statement on Monday.
Meanwhile, the AL chief said that the Arab foreign ministers are going to tackle in the meeting of the Arab Peace Initiative Committee on Monday the matter of recognizing the NTC as the sole legitimate representative for the Libyan people.
Some Egyptian analysts welcomed the AL recognition but expressed dissatisfaction over its hesitation.
"The AL support for the Libyan rebels is an official end for Gaddafi's regime and era, but it came late," said Abdallah Al- Ashal, former Deputy Foreign Minister of Egypt.
Al-Ashal's view was shared by Mohamed Refaa Al-Tahtawi, former Egyptian ambassador to Libya, who said that AL recognition was " too late to be significant."
"If the AL took action earlier, the International interference would be reduced," said Al-Tahtawi.
Libyan rebels used three days to advance from capital Tripoli's outskirts into the city center. Gaddafi's elder son Mohammed and second son Saif al-Islam are both under custody of the rebels.
Al-Ashal said whether Gaddafi captured or not, his leadership has already fallen, which would trigger more resistance in other countries of the region, like Syria and Yemen.