The central part of Zawiya has been controlled by anti- government protesters after clashes Thursday and Friday. When about 50 foreign reporters arrived in the area, some 300 protestors gathered in the street, waving weapons and chanting slogans as "Game over Gaddafi," "Gaddafi get out," and "Free Libya. "
Mahmoud Magdy Hayawah, a medical college student, told Xinhua that about 200 soldiers attacked them suddenly Thursday morning, " They killed 23 people and 44 others are injured," he said.
The protestors defeated the soldiers and captured five of them, now some militia with hunting guns and rifles volunteered to secure the region.
"We protested in peace before, we don't want to fight with anybody, we just want peace," Abulgasem, a lecturer in Zawiya university said.
The major big families in Zawiya, have refused to cooperate with Gaddafi anymore, a cleric told Xinhua.
However, the reporters saw a mass demonstration supporting Gaddafi in a nearby district al-Harsha, attended by hundreds of people including women and children. "We don't want two Libyas, we want one," a middle aged woman yelled, referring to the unrest that might split the country.
On the way back to Tripoli, nearly 1,000 pro-Gaddafi supporters, mostly young people, blocked the traffic and stopped the journalists, "All people support Gaddafi," the young man chanted, waving Libya national flags and Gaddafi's "Green Book."
"I don't like the things happened in Benghazi, we can't live without Gaddafi," a man holding his baby daughter told Xinhua.
Some Libyans did not want to involve themselves in any kind of struggle. "I just want to live my life in stability, with or without Gaddafi," Salah, a driver told Xinhua reporters. (one U.S dollars equals to about 1.25 dinar)