"I think we should at the same time, give Russia the possibility to cooperate with us and share the fruits of this cooperation," he said.
Fogh Rasmussen has proposed to expand NATO's existing missile defense system, which only covers deployed troops, to protect citizens of all member states by linking up anti-missile systems of member states.
He said earlier Thursday: "The threat is clear. The capability exists. And the costs are manageable. I believe we can and should make missile defense for Europe a NATO capability." The alliance's new strategy concept, which is to set the course for NATO in the next decade and to be adopted at the upcoming summit, is also a focus of the joint meeting.
Fogh Rasmussen said that the ministers had "a clear mandate for reform, and a clear idea of what reform will look like."
He has proposed to cut the number of NATO's agencies from 14 to just three and streamlining the command structure by slashing the number people working at NATO from 13,000 to just under 9,000.
"We will also agree, by the Summit, a list of required capabilities. In a time of fiscal restraint, we have to focus on what is most needed -- like protection from road-side bombs for our troops, or medical support, or air transport." he said.