But Brautigam says this model of exchanging resources for infrastructure, works better than giving cash loans that can be siphoned off into offshore bank accounts by corrupt politicians and officials.
And the infrastructure benefits the whole economy. Brautigam quoted a Nigerian diplomat as saying "The west came to Nigeria and it is all about oil, oil, oil. The Chinese are interested in all aspects of the economy."
Brautigam says the press also routinely exaggerates the extent of Chinese involvement in Africa. Even the World Bank gets it wrong, misquoting Wen Jiabao as saying China has given Africa a total of US$ 44 billion when the correct figure was 44 billion yuan (US$6.5 billion). Annual Chinese aid to Africa is currently around US$2 billion, much lower than figures commonly cited.
Another myth is that Chinese projects in Africa only employ Chinese workers. In fact, Professor Brautigam said, on average, Chinese projects employ 80 percent Africans and 20 percent Chinese.
This is not to say Chinese involvement in Africa is without problems, Brautigam said. Chinese manufacturers, traders and farmers compete with local businesses. Corruption and kickbacks are common practices, and Chinese firms often have low environmental and labor standards.
Nevertheless she compares China's involvement favorably with that of the West.
"The West is not very successful in Africa in raising living standards or fostering structural transformation," she said. "Our record is not very hard to beat"
Professor Brautigam's book The Dragon's gift: The real story of China in Africa was published in 2009 by Oxford University Press.