They promised to put in place their respective fast-start finance contributions to help address the most urgent and immediate needs of the most vulnerable developing countries and to help developing countries lay the ground work for long-term, low- emission development.
"We will share our national experiences and plans for adaptation, including through a conference on climate change adaptation in Russia in 2011,"they added.
They expressed the support for the negotiations underway within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Copenhagen Accord, and commitment to cooperate actively and constructively with Mexico as the President of the sixteenth meeting of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties on November 29 December 10, 2010.
"We want a comprehensive, ambitious, fair, effective, binding, post-2012 agreement involving all countries, and including the respective responsibilities of all major economies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
The G8 leaders were committed to building low carbon and climate resilient economies, characterized by green growth and improved resource efficiency.
"We welcome the progress already made on our Tokyo commitments to launch the 20 large-scale Carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration projects globally by 2010 and to achieve the broad deployment of CCS by 2020, in cooperation with developing countries,"they said.
The leaders also stressed the importance of nuclear energy and the potential of bioenergy for sustainable development, climate change mitigation and energy security.
They underlined support for Japan as it prepares to host the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity this October and in particular the importance of adopting an ambitious and achievable post-2010 framework.
"We recognize the need to strengthen the science-policy interface in this area, and in this regard we welcome the agreement to establish an Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES),"they concluded.
In a joint statement released shortly after the G8 declaration, WWF Global Climate Initiative said they saw nothing new in the declaration.
"The G8 failed to put forward any new initiatives and to show us how they will act to combat climate change -- an issue that stands to threaten development and economy," it added.
The Green Economy said it noticed that the mention of "climate resilient and low carbon economies" together for the first time as a new approach to integrating adaptation with emissions reductions.
2C temperature Rise Commitment said that the G8 leaders repeat what they said last year about staying below 2 degrees temperature rise, but they are still extremely unclear on how they intend to achieve this aspiration.