Two Turkish supporters were killed and 30 others wounded in clashes with Israeli soldiers early Monday morning.
The clashes occurred when Israel was intervening against humanitarian aid ships bringing supplies to Gaza, according to local NTV news.
Shortly after the news broke out in Istanbul, hundreds attacked the Israeli consulate here early Monday morning around 5 a.m. local time over Israel intervening against humanitarian aid ships bringing supplies to Gaza.
Hundreds of people comprised of supporters and relatives of the ship-goers protested in front of the Israeli consulate in central Levent district, shouted slogans, held up signs and said that in the case the ships did not make it to Gaza, Israel would be committing a violation of human rights.
Upon hearing of Israeli interference on the passenger ship " Mavi Marmara" (Blue Marmara), some of the protestors climbed the barriers and began throwing rocks at the windows.
Security forces removed the protestors from the foyer of the consulate, but when the fighting resumed out in the street, police had to disperse protests with water cannons. The group which pulled back after police intervention resumed waiting outside the consulate.