Chu Lam Yiu (朱林瑤)
Chu Lam Yiu [] |
2011 net worth (US$): 2.2 billion
2010 net worth (US$): 3.36 billion
General ranking: 33
Company: Huabao International Holdings
Headquarters: Hong Kong
Title: Chairwoman
Main focus: Fragrance and flavorings
Chu Lam Yiu developed a strong interest in business in college, and shortly after graduation, she founded a trading company in fragrances and flavorings in Beijing. Her work led her to Lam Kwok Man, known as the King of Flavorings, in Shanghai. The two married and Chu joined her husband in managing his companies, Huabao Company. It expanded rapidly, focusing on production and distribution of tobacco flavorings, food flavorings and fragrances. Its major tobacco clients include some of China's 10 biggest cigarette makers, such as Hongmei, Hademen and Hongtashan.
Chu founded the Huabao International Holdings in 2004, which went public in Hong Kong two years later. In 2010, Huabao reported a sales revenue of HK$2.8 billion, a 20.5 percent increase over a year earlier. Chu owns 37.7 percent of the company.