Jinou Yonggu Cup of Emperor Qianlong (乾隆金甌永固杯)
Where to be found: the Zhenbao Hall of Ningshou Palace 寧壽宮珍寶館
Jinou Yonggu Cup of Emperor Qianlong. |
This wine cup is a cornerstone of the imperial collection of Qing Dynasty. In 1739, Emperor Qianlong ordered it made on his 30th birthday, engraving "Jinou Yonggu," a wish of eternal stability for the Qing Dynasty. The cup is 12.5 centimeters tall and has a caliber measuring 8 centimeters. Its stems are 5 centimeters high. There are many veins engraved around the cup.
According to the Record of Royal Household Bureau, Emperor Qianlong paid great attention to making the cup. It was made of precious materials including gold, pearls and diamond with quality craftsmanship and refined many times to the Emperor's specifications. Hence, this gold cup is traditionally considered to be the greatest treasure of the imperial palace.