Li Guang 李廣
Li was tall and strong, with long arms, and good at archery. It was said that his arrows could penetrate stone. His descendants learned shooting skills from him, but none of them could surpass their teacher.Li Guang (?-119 BC), born in Longxi (in today's Gansu), was a famous general of the Han Dynasty. Nicknamed the "Flying General" by his Xiongnu enemies, he fought primarily in the campaigns against Xiongnu to the north of the Han Empire. He became known to the Xiongnu as a tough opponent. His appearance at various battles scared away Xiongnu troops who dared not to come back again for many years.
In the Battle of Mobei in 119 BC, General Li failed to arrive at the battlefield in time because he got lost in the desert. He committed suicide shortly after the battle. He was mourned by his entire army and many civilians.