After one year's turnover, global banking profits are now approaching their 2007 pre-crisis peak, according to the 2011Top 1000 World Bank Ranking, released by The Banker, the world's premier banking and finance magazine, on June 30, 2011.
The Banker began to release world bank ranking since 1970.
In this year's ranking, Bank of America, with tier one capital of US$163, 626 million, still seizes the top one place. Three Chinese banks, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (No.6), China Construction Bank (No.8), and Bank of China (No.9) have been listed into the top 10 banks around the world.
The followings are the top 25 banks in 2011 Top 1000 World Bank Ranking in terms of tier one capital (the core measure of a bank's financial strength):
Norinchukin Bank, Japan
Latest Financial Year End (month/year) | Tier 1 Capital (US$ m) | Total Assets (US$ m) | Pre-tax Profits (US$ m) | Return on Assets (%) | Capital Assets Ratio (%) | Non-performing Loan (%) |
03/2011 | 49,815 | 840,056 | 1,619 | 0.19 | 5.93 | 0.00 |