Nanka Wangmo, a 22-month-old girl, presents a flower to her monther Wang Fangfang, a Tibetan woman, at her uncle's home at Zhouqu County, northwest China's Gansu Province, Aug. 3, 2011. The mother and the daughter lived in this old apartment on the fifth floor after a deadly mudslide hit Zhouqu last year. On Aug. 8, 2010, the day Wang will never forget, the young Tibetan mother lost her house and her beloved husband who was on duty in a police office when a mudslide swept the county instantly. Wang now works in the Home For the Aged of Zhouqu, and takes Nanka with her anywhere she goes. Seeing workers busy in building new houses under cranes, Wang said she was filled with hope for the future.[Xinhua/Nie Jianjiang]