File photo: Impresario Lu Jia (C) takes a curtain call with performers after a dress rehearsal of Giacomo Puccini's opera "Tosca" in Beijing, May 10, 2011. |
?????? 演出閉幕后,觀眾鼓掌,演員在臺前向觀眾敬禮,表示謝意——這就是我們常說的“謝幕”,用英文可以表達為:answer a curtain call或respond to a curtain call,這里的curtain call意即名詞“謝幕”或觀眾要求演員謝幕的掌聲或呼聲。請看下面的例句:
?????? After the play the actors took eight curtain calls. ?????? 劇終后演員們謝幕8次。
?????? The actors had to respond to the curtain call repeatedly, as the audience went on applauding. ?????? 觀眾掌聲不斷,演員們不得不多次謝幕。
?????? The playwright and the director were called before the curtain. ?????? 劇作者和導演出場謝幕。
?????? 7月8日晚,西方經典音樂劇《媽媽咪呀》在全球范圍內推出首個中文版。這場在上海大劇院舉行的首演,在多達5次的謝幕返場和經久不息的掌聲中宣告成功。請看相關英文報道:
The Chinese version of classic musical "Mamma Mia!" received a warm welcome in Shanghai. The cast returned for five curtain calls on opening night. It looks like the enthusiasm of those who love musicals is on the rise.
—— Excerpt from 'Mamma Mia' premieres in Shanghai
?????? (來源:中國網學英語頻道) |