After three years of war against the Kuomintang, the Communist Party of China founded the People's Republic of China on October 1st, 1949. It encountered various domestic and international difficulties and gradually brought the country into steady growth. Next, our reporter Han Bin follows a veteran who witnessed the founding of the people's republic 60 years ago. He also tries to find out how the Party survived the difficulties in building up the nation.
Flag raising ceremony at Tiananmen square. The daily demonstration is a symbol for New China.
82 year-old Li Zhenyu came back to the Tiananmen Rostrum, to mark the historic day. As one of the cameramen of the event, Li still remembers that Chairman Mao Zedong and other leaders, as well as representatives from different democratic parties, walked up to the Rostrum from the west walkway. At that time, Li Zhenyu was only 20.
Li Zhenyu said, "With the rising of the five-star national flag and the firing of salutes, a lot of people burst into tears. I still feel excited whenever I think of that moment."
Li Zhenyu recalls that Tiananmen Square was flooded with people, coming from all directions. Chairman Mao Zedong and other founders of the country reviewed the first military parade of the People's Liberation Army. Nearly all the weapons on display were captured from battlefields. People were shouting Long Live the CPC and Long Live Chairman Mao.
Li said, "Since that day, I believe that the CPC is a great, glorious and correct party for China and its people. Words failed to express my deepest respect for the Party and Chairman Mao Zedong."
It's been 60 years since the ruling Communist Party of China announced the founding of New China. The Party has brought tremendous changes to the country and to the lives of a fifth of the world's population. How did the Party win power and public confidence 6 decades ago? And how did it survive the difficulties?
Zhang Qi says the key for the CPC's success is the people.
Zhang Qi said, "After more than 20 years of armed struggle led by the CPC, the Chinese people overthrew the three mountains weighed on them. They were feudalism, bureaucrat-capitalism, and imperialism. The CPC took the political, military, economic and diplomatic challenges, and build the country from a war-torn nation. After 60 years of rule, no one can deny its achievements. No one can ignore the fact that no other political forces can take the place of the CPC in China."
Li Zhenyu has witnessed the six decades of changes. He has kept a close eye on developments. At the Party's 90th birthday, he hopes the CPC will continue to lead the country forward.
(CNTV July 1, 2011)