1. ISSUE結構性指導
ISSUE是種開放性話題,涉及的題材多樣及覆蓋面廣是GRE作文的一個特色,而正是這點使得整體的“萬能套路”往往穿戴得極其勉強,于是我們可以分類處之。分類流行的有兩種,一種是按題材分,可以分為11大類(作者主張“飛躍”分類):學習,科技,歷史,傳媒,文化,國際,教育,社會,政治,行為,藝術。這種分類旨在讓你按照題材去閱讀、背誦相應的文章或資料來擴充論據,嚴密論證過程,但是就這里要談的套路結構而言,沒有任何實質性的幫助。于是我推崇第二種分類,話題擬制類型分類,可以分為極其簡單粗糙的3類:should, which one, single。我著重要分析入手的就是這三類題型的寫作“套路”。在這之前,首先提出兩個前提:第一,本文完全贊成“五段式”作文,即正文保持“3段”,故模式也是“3段論法”;第二,開頭結尾統(tǒng)一自由化。開頭的作用就是點題和正確回應,是告訴閱卷人切題的宣言,所以保險的開頭往往比較固定,有三種常見模式:
(1) 開門見山:直接回應話題觀點,表明態(tài)度
(2) 談古論今:從古代到現代來引出話題內容
(3) 故做深沉:間接涉及相關話題內容,一步一步引出自己的觀點態(tài)度。這種開頭往往被諸多考生所采用,但是由于一上來就沒有直接回應,使得寫到后來,原來的話題內容很容易被遺忘而陶醉在自我新構建的話題之中,造成“跑題”。
(1) 總結上文自己與話題的觀點,勾勒全文論證概貌。
(2) 提出尚待履行的措施、建議等,并點明這樣的后果。
(1) 結論部分提出的內容比前面的主體論述更具體、實在。
(2) 為了給讀者留下深刻的印象,應將最精辟、美妙的詞匯、句段等留到結論處。
(1) SHOULD類:題干中明確出示標志詞“should”或意為“應該”如何如何的話題。比如:
214. "Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped."
There are some children who do indeed have some gift, which perhaps cannot be made sense of properly by scientists and educators aggregating around ourselves and needing some special care especially for their cultivation regarding the education process. Some experts ever declared against separating the talented children from the ordinary group after quite a substantial cogitation involving the impact of such seclusion, the influence exerted on their germinal heart, and the probable arrogance it may produce to lacerate their later lives. However, weighing the benefits of the special care, I am apt to support the idea of providing special education to those who embrace great potentials on some subjects like arts, music, and natural science, in moral principles.
What impels and shocks me most onto such a suggestion is the great waste reported thousands of times on journals and television media, which almost every time took place under the background of the innate special children performing exceptionally the first year staying with the ordinary packs but when came the graduation ceremony as far as the rear of the arrangement of transcripts he may stand, who, as somebody ultimately scorned, was a “mediocre” man. That should be, in my thought, the greatest blasphemy to these gifted children, who ought to be showed adequate respect and attention far different from other scanty of these brilliance. Most of them would surely be aggrieved just in that they step by step followed what the teacher told and instructed. They lost the precious self-probity opportunities and made themselves awash under the surface of the ordinary and the banal. On the contrary, another report recently seen from yesterday's evening paper now comes into my memory. It is an elated story that a poor boy who was imbued with the supernal talent of playing violin was disinterred from the poor district by an experienced professor and then he was taken to the college for free and given the special face-to-face personal instruction from the best maestro group. With the auspicious chance, finally he now has grown up as a shining star above the music territory. All of these, albeit may still not enough to make any authoritative assertion, can to some extent reflect the fresh fact that the potential covered under the soul stone of our cherubic talented children are somewhat like the natural fuel source, which, once exhumed in the sun, can produce astounding power but while kept dormant, no good but a dead wish of the god.
Take some experiment schools adopting such children for instance, the splendid records elucidate nothing but the beneficial recommendation. In China, the famous “teenage class” constituted inside the eminent Chinese Scientific Technology University founded in Anhui province have cultivated hundreds of prodigies to be the pundits of what they excel in. As well known to the world, most of the gold medals of the Mathematic Olympic Games and other similar scientific tournaments are obtained by our Chinese teenage prodigies derived from this class. Also, quite a few top academicians of the national scientific institution are the graduates of it. The immense function can be evinced from this academician's speech, ”I gained what I am looking for and the priceless courage of fumbling in the dark here, the tribute complemented to my talent and the honor paid off back to my gift refinery.”
Meanwhile, we should take care of the well-rounded education towards those gifted children avoiding the formation of the ill and biased personality. Special educations do mean some extent to distinguish from the ordinary routine but do not necessarily cut down the communication with the ordinary world we confront with every breath. Even the best technicians should also be the good civilian of the community. No exclusive person can survive longer and normally no matter how intelligent he or she is. The reason is so simple that once deprived of the opportunity of communication no exchange of emotional feels and academic ideas will consequently take place, which is essential for the sense of being alive. Hence, possibly more important to appeal people's approbation, the normal channel for communication should not be barricaded by human's deliberately benevolent actions.
In sum, the phenomenon of the treatments to these gifted children is such a controversial one that certainly some of us, of course, might still cast some doubt on my analysis, but at least what I discussed above to some degree shake the adamantly held reverse belief, which is one of my main purposes writing such a frank issue. The other one is something naive that I hope more and more experts should excise to discern the talented ones and emancipate them out of the tragic drop, just because every one should share the same sense that they are no doubt the unique resources the God bestowed to us and once missed no measure can be compensated for the huge loss, left only silent cries.
評析:范文采用“故做深沉”的開頭方式,從社會上某些專家的爭議引出話題,并在首段末作出明確回應,從而確保切題,值得考生引以為鑒。緊接著作者按上述“三段論”模式一一就“理由”、“后果”與“問題”采取不同方式的論證來實現,從而使文章在結構上呈現出多元化和周到性,給閱卷人一種“堅不可摧”的震懾力,保證了論證的嚴密和條理。同時,本文的“因果論證” 和“事例論證”也是堪稱一絕的,讀者可以反復體會一下如何實現多方位、多角度的論證手段來加固自己的長城。
(來源:網絡) |