如何減少蔬菜的農(nóng)藥殘留,讓老百姓吃得放心,一直深受人們關(guān)注。浙江大學農(nóng)業(yè)與生物技術(shù)學院喻景權(quán)教授的課題組研究發(fā)現(xiàn),植物本身擁有的一種叫油菜素內(nèi)酯的激素,能促進農(nóng)藥在植物體內(nèi)的降解和代謝。 |
Researchers have long focused on reducing pesticide residues left on vegetables, as vegetables are one of the daily necessities in meals. Recently, Yu Jingquan, a professor from the Agriculture and Biotechnology College of Zhejiang University, discovered that brassinosteroids, natural hormones in plants, are able to degrade and metabolize the toxins. |
這一發(fā)現(xiàn)為解決蔬菜農(nóng)藥殘留開辟了一條新途徑。今天出版的美國化學學會主辦的《農(nóng)業(yè)與食品化學雜志》發(fā)表了喻景權(quán)課題組的題為《油菜素內(nèi)酯促進農(nóng)藥在黃瓜體內(nèi)的代謝》論文,引起廣泛關(guān)注。美國之音、今日科學等國外媒體紛紛以“讓植物自身去除農(nóng)藥殘留”為主題報道了這一有趣的發(fā)現(xiàn)。 |
The scientific breakthrough provided enlightenment for researchers to detoxify polluted vegetables. Brassinosteroids Promote the Metabolism of Pesticides in Cucumbers, the article completed by Yu and his group about their research was published today (September 23), in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, drawing worldwide interest. Relevant stories, such as Getting plants to rid themselves of pesticide residues, have appeared as headlines of overseas media, including Voice of America and Science Now. |
喻景權(quán)是浙大蔬菜學學科的負責人,一直關(guān)注蔬菜的農(nóng)藥殘留問題。他介紹說,農(nóng)民噴灑的農(nóng)藥被植物吸收后,不是一直殘留在植物體內(nèi),而是會被植物體內(nèi)某些蛋白酶自身慢慢“消化”,逐漸轉(zhuǎn)化為水溶性物質(zhì)或低毒無毒物質(zhì),有的則被直接排出植物體外。但是這個過程沒有我們所期望的那么快,往往在蔬菜采收時還有一部分農(nóng)藥沒有被“消化”掉,出現(xiàn)蔬菜農(nóng)藥殘留。對喻景權(quán)來說,油菜素內(nèi)酯并不陌生,他研究發(fā)現(xiàn)油菜素內(nèi)酯的新功用——降解控制農(nóng)藥殘留的“天然幫手”。 |
A leading researcher of vegetable science in Zhejiang University, Yu has long engaged in detoxifying pesticide residues on vegetables. He said the pesticides would undergo a chemical change after being sprayed on the plants. Furthermore, they can be "digested" by some of the proteases, degraded to soluble or detoxified substances, or excreted wholly. Brassinosteroids are nothing new to Yu. In his research, the hormones’ function was discovered to metabolize pesticide residues inside plants. |
那能不能給蔬菜“吃點”油菜素內(nèi)酯,加速蔬菜體內(nèi)農(nóng)藥的降解速度?喻景權(quán)說,油菜素內(nèi)酯可以從植物中提取,最可喜的是,它還可以用人工半合成的方法批量生產(chǎn),并且對動植物沒有傷害,對環(huán)境友好。課題組用黃瓜做實驗,選取了農(nóng)民經(jīng)常使用的4種殺蟲劑和殺菌劑,在噴灑這些農(nóng)藥之前,先給植物噴灑一次油菜素內(nèi)酯,20毫升就可以噴灑一畝蔬菜。結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),這些噴灑過油菜素內(nèi)酯的黃瓜的農(nóng)藥殘留比沒有噴灑過的要降低30%至70%。 |
In that way, is it possible to inject Brassinosteroids in vegetables to speed up the detoxification? According to Yu, the substance is extractible and can be put into massive production when being synthesized. It is harmless to animals and plants and is environmentally friendly. The research group selected four common pesticides and disinfectants in the experiments conducted with cucumbers and sprayed the plants with brassinosteroids before spraying them with the invisible germ killers. According to the research, 20-millimeters of brassinosteroids can cover vegetables in one mu (0.067 hectares). The research found that the toxic residues in cucumbers being sprayed with extra brassinosteroids are 30-70 percent lower than those growing without the protective measure. |
據(jù)了解,這一技術(shù)目前已在我省一些大型蔬菜生產(chǎn)基地示范應用。(浙江日報) |
The technology is widely applied on big vegetable farms in some provinces.
(China.org.cn translated by Wu Jin) |