N. Broad Participation of Stakeholders
-- To enhance the responsibility of enterprises for low-carbon development and to encourage them to explore low-carbon development modes that are resource-saving and environment-friendly;
-- To strengthen the role of public supervision and participation in low-carbon development;
-- To use platforms such as National Low Carbon Day to raise public awareness of low-carbon development throughout society;
-- To encourage voluntary actions of the public to combat climate change;
-- To let media play the role of supervision and guidance; and
-- To enhance related education and training and to fully utilize the function of schools, communities and civil organizations.
O. Promoting International Cooperation on Climate Change
As a responsible developing country, China will stand for the common interests of all humanity and actively engage in international cooperation to build an equitable global climate governance regime that is cooperative and beneficial to all. Together with other Parties, China will promote global green low-carbon transformation and development path innovation. China will adhere to the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and urge developed countries to fulfill their obligations under the Convention to take the lead in substantially reducing their emissions and to provide support of finance, technology and capacity building to developing countries, allowing developing countries more equitable access to sustainable development and more support of finance, technology and capacity building and promoting cooperation between developed and developing countries. China will take on international commitments that match its national circumstances, current development stage and actual capabilities by enhancing mitigation and adaptation actions and further strengthening south-south cooperation on climate change. It will establish the Fund for South-South Cooperation on Climate Change, providing assistance and support, within its means, to other developing countries including the small island developing countries, the least developed countries and African countries to address climate change. China will thereby promote mutual learning, mutual support and mutual benefits as well as win-win cooperation with other developing countries. China will engage in extensive international dialogue and exchanges on addressing climate change, enhance policy coordination and concrete cooperation in related areas, share positive experiences and good practice, promote climate friendly technologies and work together with all Parties to build a beautiful homeland for all human beings.
China is committed to the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention and to working with other Parties to achieve a comprehensive, balanced and ambitious agreement at the Paris Conference. In this connection, China submits its views regarding the process and outcome of the 2015 agreement negotiation as follows:
A. General View
The negotiation on the 2015 agreement shall be under the Convention and guided by its principles, aiming at enhancing the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention in order to achieve the objective of the Convention. The outcomes of negotiation shall be in accordance with the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, taking into account differentiated historical responsibilities and distinct national circumstances, development stages and the capabilities of developed and developing countries. It should reflect all elements in a comprehensive and balanced way, including mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity building and transparency of action and support. The negotiation process should be open, transparent, inclusive, Party-driven and consensus-based.
B. Mitigation
The 2015 agreement shall stipulate that the Parties, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, shall formulate and implement programs and measures to reduce or limit greenhouse gas emissions for the period 2020-2030 and promote international cooperation on mitigation. Developed countries shall, in accordance with their historical responsibilities, undertake ambitious economy-wide absolute quantified emissions reduction targets by 2030. Developing countries shall, in the context of sustainable development and supported and enabled by the provision of finance, technology and capacity building by developed countries, undertake diversifying enhanced mitigation actions.
C. Adaptation
The 2015 agreement shall stipulate that the Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, strengthen international cooperation on adaptation as well as the implementation of adaptation plans and projects at both regional and national levels. Developed countries shall provide support for developing countries to formulate and implement national adaptation plans as well as other related projects. Developing countries will identify their adaptation needs and challenges in their national adaptation plans and take enhanced actions. A subsidiary body on adaptation to climate change should be established. The linkage between adaptation and finance, technology and capacity building shall be strengthened. The Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage shall also be strengthened.
D. Finance
The 2015 agreement shall stipulate that developed countries shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, provide new, additional, adequate, predictable and sustained financial support to developing countries for their enhanced actions. It shall provide for quantified financing targets and a roadmap to achieve them. The scale of financing should increase yearly starting from 100 billion U.S. dollars per year from 2020 which shall primarily come from public finance. The role of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as an important operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention shall be strengthened. The GCF shall be under the authority of, guided by and accountable to the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.
E. Technology Development and Transfer
The 2015 agreement shall stipulate that developed countries shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, transfer technologies and provide support for the research, development and application of technologies to developing countries based on their technology needs. The function of the existing technology mechanism shall be strengthened to help address the intellectual property right issue and assess technology transfer performance, and its linkage with the financial mechanism shall be enhanced, including creating a window for technology development and transfer in the GCF.
F. Capacity Building
The 2015 agreement shall stipulate that developed countries shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, provide support to developing countries in capacity building in all areas. An international mechanism on capacity building shall be established to develop and implement action plans for capacity building and to enhance capacity building for climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing countries.
G. Transparency of Action and Support
The 2015 agreement shall stipulate that the Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and relevant COP decisions, improve the transparency of enhanced actions of all Parties. Developed countries shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention as well as relevant provisions of the Kyoto Protocol, enhance the transparency of their actions through existing reporting and review systems. Rules on enhancing the transparency of finance, technology and capacity-building support by developed countries as well as the relevant review shall further be elaborated. Developing countries shall, with support by developed countries in terms of finance, technology and capacity building, enhance the transparency of their enhanced actions through existing arrangements on transparency and in a way that is non-intrusive, non-punitive and respecting national sovereignty.
H. Legal Form
The 2015 agreement shall be a legally binding agreement implementing the Convention. It can take the form of a core agreement plus COP decisions, with mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity building and transparency of action and support being reflected in a balanced manner in the core agreement and relevant technical details and procedural rules being elaborated in COP decisions. The nationally determined contributions by developed and developing countries can be listed respectively and separately in the Paris outcome.