Continuing advances in climate observation and modelling make it increasingly possible to "downscale" the results of global climate models to explore likely impacts at the regional level. The results of improved regional climate projections will greatly strengthen the ability of governments to provide credible climate services to their citizens. For this reason, the WMO-led Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) is assisting countries to develop climate services that will empower governments, communities, and businesses to anticipate and adapt to the impacts of climate variability and change on water resources, food security, disaster risk, public health and other sectors.
Climate variability and climate change pose a significant threat to life and property across the world. Water shortages, more intense tropical storms, coastal inundation and longer or recurrent Press Release For use of the information media Not an official record periods of drought are already affecting the well-being and livelihoods of millions of people. The importance of improved knowledge about regional climate has never been greater.
The CORDEX project was initiated in early 2009 to promote and support simulations of regional climate variability and potential future changes. It focuses on 13 regions around the world. For a number of these regions, large matrices of CORDEX Regional Climate simulations have now been developed covering the period 1950-2100. The aim is to develop probabilistic estimates of regional climate change for use by decision-makers, climate impacts researchers, and practitioners.
It is also important to address the role of regional drivers of climate change (such as deforestation and other types of land-use change) versus global drivers. This will require more effectively separating the externally imposed climate and climate change conditions from those that are purely regionally driven. The scientific and technical segment of the conference will identify research priorities that require international cooperation and coordination.