Dear President Hu,
Hello, Mr. President. Thank you for your most efficient work combating the SARS epidemic. I have faith that this disaster will soon be overcome.
I have been studying for a Health Administration Master?s Degree in Canada. To control an emergency or disaster, we are told that it is necessary that patients get free medicine and conditions should be as convenient as possible for preventative or curative measures in an epidemic explosion such as is happening with SARS. In other words, there should be a set of special rooms to diagnose potential SARS patients made available 24/7 in every health facility.
Since SARS is one kind of virus, there may well be no exact medicine for its cure but the best way, I understand, is to enhance the body?s immune system through exercise, nutrition and rest.
Obviously, if patients need to pay money to get SARS treatment and medicine, they might well hesitate to see doctors and postpone the control of the epidemic thus causing others to become infected.
SARS has seriously damaged the Chinese socio-economy. One single day?s delay may cost the state millions. Using every resource possible to combat SARS in the short term will reverse this unfortunate trend.
SARS will not do so much damage to cause the Chinese a loss of faith in their fast-developing prosperous redevelopment.
I offer my unconditional support and if medicine is needed from North America, I can send some free of charge.
Lead your people and you will be protected!
[To learn more, read President Hu Confident About Combating SARS
For more news and information, visit]
Sincerely Yours,
Mark Zhu
Dear Mark,
Thanks for your letter.
We appreciate your kind concern over the SARS situation in our country and thank you for your encouraging remarks. We have submitted your letter to the relevant government department.
In China the fight against SARS is taking place from the government to the ordinary person in the street. The spread of SARS is being containing through all possible measures. The government is cooperating closely with WHO in the control of SARS.
As you know, China has greatly improved its medical and health system in the wake of rapid economic development. Now that there is the medical capability available to us, we are firmly confident that our country will succeed in this difficult time.
Through the concerted efforts of the Chinese government, at all levels, medical staff and people everywhere, SARS will be decisively dealt with.
Sincere thanks again for your letter.
Best Regards!
The Editors
( April 23, 2003)