上海合作組織(以下稱“上合組織”或“本組織”)成員國領導人于2018年6月10日在中國青島舉行元首理事會會議,并發(fā)表宣言如下: | The leaders of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (hereinafter referred to as the SCO or the Organization), following the meeting of the Council of Heads of State in Qingdao on 10 June 2018, hereby declare the following. | |
當今世界正處在大發(fā)展大變革大調整時期,地緣政治版圖日益多元化、多極化,國與國相互依存更加緊密。 | The dynamically developing world is currently going through a period of major changes and reconfiguration; the geopolitical landscape is becoming diversified and multipolar, and ties between countries are becoming closer. | |
同時,世界面臨的不穩(wěn)定性不確定性因素不斷增加,世界經濟形勢明顯向好,但仍不穩(wěn)定,經濟全球化進程遭遇貿易保護主義、單邊主義等更多挑戰(zhàn),部分地區(qū)沖突加劇、恐怖主義、非法販運毒品和有組織犯罪、傳染性疾病、氣候變化等威脅急劇上升引發(fā)的風險持續(xù)增加。國際社會迫切需要制定共同立場,有效應對上述全球挑戰(zhàn)。 | At the same time, the factors of instability and uncertainty are increasing, the situation in the world economy remains unstable despite the positive changes, economic globalization is confronted with the expansion of unilateral protectionist policies and other challenges in international trade, and the risks associated with the aggravation of conflicts in a number of regions, terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime, epidemics of infectious diseases and climate change are also on the rise. Counteraction to these global challenges requires urgent development of collective and effective approaches of the world community. | |
上合組織遵循“互信、互利、平等、協(xié)商、尊重多樣文明、謀求共同發(fā)展”的“上海精神”,經受住國際風云變幻的嚴峻考驗,不斷加強政治、安全、經濟、人文等領域合作,成為當代國際關系體系中極具影響力的參與者。 | Following the Shanghai Spirit, which embodies mutual trust, equality, mutual benefit, equal rights, mutual consultations, respect for the diversity of cultures, and aspiration for joint development, amid fundamental changes in global affairs, the SCO consistently enhances political, security, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation and acts as one of the most influential participants in the modern system of international relations. | |
上合組織在睦鄰、友好、合作、相互尊重成員國文化文明多樣性和社會價值觀、開展信任對話和建設性伙伴關系的基礎上樹立了密切和富有成效的合作典范,致力于以平等、共同、綜合、合作、可持續(xù)安全為基礎構建更加公正、平衡的國際秩序,根據國際法準則和原則維護所有國家和每個國家的利益。 | Relying on neighborly relations, friendship and cooperation, mutual respect for the cultural and civilizational diversity and social values of its Member States, on trustful dialogue and constructive partnership, the SCO sets an example of close and fruitful cooperation in building a more equitable and balanced world order based on an equal, cooperative, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security, ensuring the interests of each and every state in accordance with the norms and principles of international law. | |
成員國重申恪守《上合組織憲章》宗旨和任務,遵循《上合組織至2025年發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略》,繼續(xù)加強政策溝通、設施聯(lián)通、貿易暢通、資金融通、民心相通,發(fā)展安全、能源、農業(yè)等領域合作,推動建設相互尊重、公平正義、合作共贏的新型國際關系,確立構建人類命運共同體的共同理念。 | The Member States reaffirm their commitment to the goals and objectives stipulated in the SCO Charter and the SCO Development Strategy Towards 2025 by consistently developing the political, security, trade and economic, financial, investment, transport, energy, agricultural and humanitarian cooperation, promoting the construction of international relations of a new type based on mutual respect, justice, equality, mutually beneficial cooperation, and the formation of a common vision of building a community for the shared future of humankind. | |
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成員國將繼續(xù)深化旨在促進上合組織地區(qū)和平穩(wěn)定與發(fā)展繁榮的全方位合作。為此,成員國支持中亞國家為加強政治、經濟、人文等領域合作所作努力,歡迎2018年3月15日在阿斯塔納舉行的首次中亞國家元首峰會成果。 | The Member States will continue to deepen multifaceted cooperation for peace, stability, development and prosperity in the SCO space. In this regard, they, supporting the efforts of the countries of the Central Asian region to intensify cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, humanitarian and other spheres, welcome the results of the first consultative meeting of the heads of state of Central Asia (Astana, 15 March 2018). | |
成員國指出,上合組織吸收印度共和國、巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國加入后各領域合作邁上新臺階。成員國將在嚴格遵循上合組織國際條約和文件基礎上,進一步挖掘本組織各項工作潛力。 | The Member States note the new quality and dynamics that have emerged in various fields of cooperation since the Republic of India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's accession to the SCO. They intend, based on strict observance of international treaties and SCO documents, to jointly promote the further expansion of the Organization's potential in all areas of its activities. | |
成員國愿在互利平等基礎上,深化同上合組織觀察員國和對話伙伴的合作,擴大上合組織同聯(lián)合國及其專門機構及其他國際和地區(qū)組織的交流合作。 | The Member States reaffirm their readiness to increase cooperation with observer states and partners in the SCO dialogue on a mutually beneficial and equitable basis, to enhance the contacts and interaction of the SCO with the UN and its specialized bodies, and with other international and regional organizations. | |
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成員國主張恪守《聯(lián)合國憲章》宗旨和原則,特別是關于平等、國家主權、不干涉內政、相互尊重領土完整、邊界不可侵犯、不侵略他國、和平解決爭端、不使用武力或以武力相威脅等原則,以及旨在維護和平與安全、發(fā)展國家間合作、鞏固獨立、保障自主決定國家命運和政治、經濟社會和文化發(fā)展道路的權利等其他公認的國際法準則。 | The Member States are committed to strict compliance with the goals and principles of the UN Charter, primarily the equality and sovereignty of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, mutual respect of territorial integrity, the inviolability of borders, non-aggression, a peaceful settlement of disputes, the non-use of force or threat of force, and other universally recognized norms of international law aimed at the maintenance of peace and security, the development of cooperation among states, the strengthening of independence, the right of nations to determine their future and to choose their political, socioeconomic and cultural path. | |
成員國重申恪守2007年8月16日在比什凱克簽署的《上合組織成員國長期睦鄰友好合作條約》規(guī)定,在共同關心的領域進一步發(fā)展睦鄰友好關系,包括將共同邊界建設成為永久和平友好的邊界。 | The Member States reaffirm their resolve to strictly comply with the provisions of the Treaty on Good-Neighborly Relations, Friendship and Cooperation between the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Bishkek, 16 August 2007) aimed at the further development of neighborly and friendly relations in areas of mutual interest, including to turn mutual borders into borders of lasting peace and friendship. | |
成員國重申堅定支持聯(lián)合國作為綜合性多邊組織在維護國際和平與安全、推動全球發(fā)展、促進和保護人權方面所作的努力,支持鞏固《聯(lián)合國憲章》規(guī)定的聯(lián)合國安理會作為維護國際和平與安全主要機構的關鍵作用。 | The Member States reaffirm their resolve to support the efforts of the UN as a universal multilateral organization to maintain international peace and security, stimulate global development, and promote and protect human rights. They are committed to strengthening the key role of the UN Security Council as the main body responsible under the UN Charter for maintaining international peace and security. | |
成員國注意到吉爾吉斯共和國和塔吉克斯坦共和國競選聯(lián)合國安理會非常任理事國席位的愿望。 | The Member States have taken note of the intention of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Tajikistan to seek the position of non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. | |
成員國將繼續(xù)在裁軍、軍控、和平利用核能、利用政治外交手段解決防擴散機制面臨的挑戰(zhàn)等問題上開展協(xié)作。 | The Member States will continue to work together in the area of disarmament and arms control, peaceful use of nuclear energy, and political and diplomatic settlement of challenges to nonproliferation regimes. | |
作為《不擴散核武器條約》締約國的成員國,支持恪守條約規(guī)定,全面平衡推進該文件中規(guī)定的各項宗旨和原則,兼顧影響全球穩(wěn)定的全部因素,加強國際核不擴散體系,推進核裁軍進程,促進和平利用核能領域平等互利合作。 | The Member States that are signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty are committed to strict compliance with NPT provisions, a comprehensive and balanced encouragement of NPT goals and principles, the promotion of the global non-proliferation regime and nuclear disarmament with due regard for the entirety of international stability factors, as well as stimulating equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. | |
成員國認為,《中亞無核武器區(qū)條約》議定書盡快對所有簽署國生效將為維護地區(qū)安全、鞏固國際核不擴散體系作出重要貢獻。 | The Member States believe that an early enforcement of the Protocol on Security Assurances to the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia by all signatory states will be a major contribution to regional security and the global non-proliferation regime. | |
成員國重申,個別國家或國家集團單方面不受限制地發(fā)展反導系統(tǒng),損害國際安全、破壞世界局勢穩(wěn)定。成員國認為,實現自身安全不能以損害他國安全為代價。 | The Member States reaffirm that unilateral unrestricted build-up of missile defence systems by individual countries or groups of countries will damage international security and destabilize the global situation. They consider it unacceptable to strengthen one's security to the detriment of other's security. | |
成員國指出,應維護外空非武器化,支持采取切實措施防止外空軍備競賽,歡迎聯(lián)大裁軍與國際安全委員會通過《防止外空軍備競賽的進一步切實措施》決議,成立政府專家組,就防止外空軍備競賽特別是防止在外空部署武器的具有法律約束力的國際文書進行審議并提出建議。 | The Member States point out the importance of keeping space free of weapons and support the practical measures to prevent an arms race in space. They welcome the resolution of the UN General Assembly Disarmament and International Security Committee on further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space and the creation of a group of governmental experts to prepare and submit proposals for an international legally binding instrument on the prevention of an arms race in outer space, which would prohibit the placement of weapons in outer space. | |
成員國支持旨在恪守《禁止化學武器公約》、提高禁化武組織權威及鞏固《禁止生物武器公約》規(guī)范的努力和倡議。 | The Member States support the efforts and initiatives designed to stimulate strict compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention, enhance the prestige of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and strengthen the regime stipulated in the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction. | |
成員國強烈譴責一切形式和表現的恐怖主義,認為必須努力推動建立聯(lián)合國發(fā)揮中心協(xié)調作用、以國際法為基礎、摒棄政治化和雙重標準的全球反恐統(tǒng)一戰(zhàn)線。重申國家及其主管機構在本國境內打擊恐怖主義、分裂主義和極端主義及在上合組織和其他國際機制框架內合作問題上的關鍵作用。 | The Member States strongly condemn all forms of terrorism and consider it necessary to make efforts to promote the creation of a unified global counterterrorism front with the central coordinating role of the UN on the basis of international law, without politicization or double standards. They confirm the key role of the state and its competent agencies in counteracting terrorism, separatism and extremism on its territory, as well as in relevant cooperation within the SCO and in international formats. | |
成員國主張在《聯(lián)合國憲章》等聯(lián)合國文件基礎上以協(xié)商一致方式通過聯(lián)合國關于打擊國際恐怖主義的全面公約。強調反恐應綜合施策,促進和平解決國際和地區(qū)沖突,加大力度打擊恐怖主義及其思想,消除恐怖主義和極端主義滋生因素,標本兼治。不能以任何理由為任何恐怖主義和極端主義行徑開脫。成員國歡迎哈薩克斯坦關于在聯(lián)合國框架內制定實現和平、無恐怖主義世界行為準則的倡議。 | The Member States stand for reaching consensus on the issue of adopting the UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism based on the UN Charter and other documents. They emphasize the importance of comprehensive measures to reach a peaceful settlement of international and regional conflicts, enhance efforts against terrorism and its ideology, the detection and elimination of factors and conditions that facilitate terrorism and extremism, acknowledging that there can be no justification of any act of terrorism or extremism. They praise the initiative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to launch the Code of Conduct in International Anti-Terrorist Operations in the UN format. | |
成員國強調不允許以打擊恐怖主義和極端主義為名干涉別國內政,不允許利用恐怖主義、極端主義和激進團伙謀取私利。 | The Member States note that the interference in the domestic affairs of other states under the pretence of combatting terrorism and extremism is unacceptable, as well as the use of terrorist, extremist and radical groups for one's own purposes. | |
成員國指出,必須有效執(zhí)行聯(lián)合國安理會相關決議,加強多邊合作打擊一切形式的恐怖主義融資和物質技術支持,包括查處與恐怖分子有經濟聯(lián)系的自然人和法人。 | The Member States call for effectively fulfilling the requirements of specialized UN Security Council resolutions as regards efforts to counter any forms of financing terrorism and providing material and technical support to it; the measures include finding individuals and legal entities involved in economic relations with terrorists. | |
鑒于當前西亞北非地區(qū)形勢,成員國指出外國武裝恐怖分子返回原籍國或在第三國尋找棲息地以在上合組織地區(qū)繼續(xù)實施恐怖和極端活動的威脅上升。成員國將完善此類人群及其潛入潛出的情報交換機制,根據上合組織成員國國家法律實施更快捷的外國武裝恐怖分子引渡機制,加強政治層面和情報部門間的國際合作。 | In relation to the developments in the Middle East, the Member States note the growing threat from foreign terrorists who return to their countries or find shelter in third countries to continue their terrorist and extremist activity within the SCO. The Member States will work to improve the information exchange mechanisms regarding these people and their movements, and speed up procedures to extradite foreign terrorists in accordance with the national legislation of the SCO Member States and boost international cooperation both on the political level and between the security services. | |
成員國歡迎烏茲別克斯坦共和國在2017年9月于紐約舉行的聯(lián)合國大會第72次會議上提出的關于通過《教育與宗教包容》聯(lián)大特別決議的倡議。 | The Member States praise the initiative of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the adoption of a special General Assembly resolution Education and Religious Tolerance, which it proposed at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly in September 2017 in New York. | |
成員國肯定上合組織地區(qū)反恐怖機構在共同打擊恐怖主義、分裂主義、極端主義“三股勢力”和維護地區(qū)安全方面的特殊作用,將挖掘主管機關在上述領域的合作潛力。成員國指出,進一步完善上合組織地區(qū)反恐怖機構工作,包括研究建立監(jiān)測和應對全球信息空間潛在的威脅系統(tǒng)問題,十分重要。 | The Member States confirm the special role of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure in the joint fight against "the three evils" -- terrorism, extremism and separatism -- in order to ensure regional security, and will boost the potential of cooperation between competent agencies in this area. Considering the growing scale and mutual interconnectedness of threats to security, they noted the importance of the further improvement of the RATS SCO, including considering the organization of a monitoring system of possible threats in the global information space, and counteracting them. | |
成員國將重點關注落實《上合組織成員國打擊恐怖主義、分裂主義和極端主義2019年至2021年合作綱要》,認為推動2017年6月9日在阿斯塔納簽署的《上合組織反極端主義公約》盡快生效十分重要。 | The Implementation of the Cooperation Programme to Fight Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism for 2019-2021 will be prioritized. It is considered important to speed up the coming into effect of the SCO Convention on Countering Extremism, signed on 9 June 2017 in Astana. | |
成員國高度評價2018年5月3日至4日在杜尚別舉行的打擊恐怖主義和極端主義國際會議成果,會議為各方開展上述領域合作提供了重要平臺。 | The Member States praise the results of the international conference on countering terrorism and extremism (Dushanbe, 3-4 May 2018), which became an important venue for multilateral cooperation in these areas. | |
成員國將繼續(xù)定期舉行包括“和平使命”軍事反恐演習在內的聯(lián)合反恐演習,進一步擴大防務和安全領域、大型活動安保和人員培訓合作,提高各方武裝力量和主管機關實戰(zhàn)能力。 | The Member States will continue to conduct regular joint anti-terrorist exercises, including the Peace Mission antiterrorism military exercise. They will continue to expand their cooperation in defence and security, on security issues for major events, and the training of personnel to enhance the capabilities of their respective armed forces and competent services. | |
成員國對大規(guī)模殺傷性武器落入恐怖組織之手的危險表示擔憂,主張鞏固打擊該威脅的國際法律基礎,支持在裁軍談判會議上制定打擊生化恐怖主義行為國際公約的倡議。 | The Member States reaffirm their concern about the risk of weapons of mass destruction ending up at the disposal of terrorist groups; they advocate the strengthening of the international legal framework to counter this threat and support the initiative to draft an international convention against chemical and biological terrorist attacks at the Conference on Disarmament. | |
成員國將進一步加強協(xié)作,打擊利用互聯(lián)網傳播和宣傳恐怖主義思想,包括利用互聯(lián)網公開洗白恐怖主義、為一系列恐怖組織招募成員、教唆和資助實施恐怖主義行徑并指導實施方法。各方充分肯定2017年在中國舉辦的“廈門-2017”網絡反恐演習成果。 | The Member States will strengthen their cooperation in combating the spread and propagation of terrorist ideology through the internet, including publicly justifying terrorism, recruiting members to terrorist groups, inciting and financing terrorist attacks, and online tutorials on methods of committing terrorist acts. They very much appreciate the Xiamen-2017 anti-cyber terrorism exercise held in China in 2017, aimed at curbing the use of the internet for terrorist, separatist and extremist purposes. | |
成員國指出,國際社會應合力打擊旨在吸收青年參與恐怖主義、分裂主義、極端主義團伙活動的企圖。鑒此,成員國通過了《上合組織成員國元首致青年共同寄語》,強調上合組織框架內將在青年教育、精神和道德培養(yǎng)方面開展綜合性工作。 | The Member States have noted the importance of combining the efforts of the international community in countering attempts to involve young people in the activities of terrorist, separatist and extremist groups. In this regard, they have adopted the Joint Appeal to Youth, in which they put forth the intention to organize comprehensive educational work as well as the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation in the SCO. | |
成員國對毒品制販和濫用增多、“以毒資恐”加劇引起的威脅上升表示擔憂,強調必須在打擊毒品及易制毒化學品非法販運包括網上販運問題上制定共同平衡立場。 | The Member States express concern about the growing threat from increased production, trade and abuse of drugs, and the use of proceeds from drug trafficking as a source of financing terrorism. They emphasize the need to develop a joint and balanced approach to countering illegal trafficking in drugs and their precursors, including through the internet. | |
為此,成員國肯定本次峰會通過《2018-2023年上合組織成員國禁毒戰(zhàn)略》及其落實行動計劃和《上合組織預防麻醉藥品和精神藥品濫用構想》。 | In this regard, the Member States welcome the adoption of the SCO Anti-Drug Strategy for 2018-2023 and the Programme of Action for its implementation, as well as the Concept for the Prevention of the Abuse of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances at the summit. | |
成員國重申繼續(xù)執(zhí)行以國際法準則和原則、聯(lián)合國相關公約和上合組織文件為基礎的現行國際禁毒體系。在此背景下,成員國積極評價上合組織與聯(lián)合國毒品與犯罪問題辦公室2018年3月12日在維也納聯(lián)合舉辦的“上合組織與聯(lián)合國打擊毒品犯罪:新威脅與聯(lián)合行動”活動。 | The Member States reaffirm their commitment to the existing international system to combat illegal drug trafficking on the basis of the norms and principles of international law, the relevant UN conventions and SCO documents. In this context, they gave a positive assessment of the joint SCO and UN Office on Drugs and Crime event, the UN and the SCO in the Fight Against Narcotic Drugs: New Threats and Joint Actions, on 12 March 2018 in Vienna. | |
成員國強調將繼續(xù)完善上合組織成員國禁毒部門領導人、高官、專家工作組合作機制,定期開展聯(lián)合行動打擊非法販運麻醉藥品、精神藥品及其前體,采取有效措施防止合成毒品及新精神活性物質擴散。高度評價2018年5月17日在天津舉行的成員國禁毒部門領導人會議成果。 | The Member States have reaffirmed their readiness to continue improving the mechanism of cooperation within the SCO to combat illegal drug trafficking at the level of the heads of the competent authorities, senior officials and expert working groups, to conduct joint operations on a regular basis to curb illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, to take effective measures to prevent the spread of synthetic drugs, and new psychoactive substances. They approved the outcome of the Meeting of the Heads of the SCO Counter-Narcotics Agencies (Tianjin, 17 May 2018). | |
成員國將遵循2015年7月10日在烏法簽署的《上合組織成員國邊防合作協(xié)定》規(guī)定,繼續(xù)通過實施有效邊境管控,交換涉恐人員信息,對跨國恐怖組織犯罪開展聯(lián)合調查,防范外國恐怖分子和恐怖團伙活動和潛入潛出。 | The Member States intend to continue exchanging information on individuals involved in terrorist activities and joint investigation of terrorist crimes of a transnational nature through effective border control under the Agreement on Cooperation and Interaction of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Border Issues (Ufa, 10 July 2015) to prevent the activity and cross-border movement of foreign terrorists and terrorist groups. | |
成員國呼吁國際社會努力構建和平、安全、開放、合作、有序的信息空間,強調聯(lián)合國在制定各方可普遍接受的信息空間負責任國家行為國際規(guī)則、原則和規(guī)范方面發(fā)揮核心作用,認為有必要在聯(lián)合國框架內根據公平地域分配原則建立工作機制,以制定信息空間負責任國家行為規(guī)范、規(guī)則或原則并以聯(lián)合國大會決議形式確定下來。 | The Member States call on the international community to put more effort into creating a peaceful, secure, open and structured information space based on cooperation. They emphasize the central role of the UN in developing universal international rules and principles as well as norms for countries' responsible behavior in the information space and advocate the establishment of a working mechanism within the framework of the UN based on a just geographical distribution in order to develop standards, rules or principles for countries' responsible behavior in the information space and to formalize them by adopting the corresponding UN General Assembly resolution. | |
成員國認為所有國家應平等參與互聯(lián)網的發(fā)展和治理?;ヂ?lián)網核心資源的管理架構應當國際化、更具代表性和更加民主。 | The Member States are convinced that all states should participate equally in internet development and governance. A governing organization established to manage key internet resources must be international, more representative and democratic. | |
成員國將繼續(xù)在2009年6月16日在葉卡捷琳堡簽署的《上合組織成員國保障國際信息安全政府間合作協(xié)定》基礎上加強務實合作,共同應對信息空間威脅與挑戰(zhàn),包括在打擊使用信息和通信技術從事有害活動特別是從事恐怖主義及犯罪活動方面深化國際合作,呼吁在聯(lián)合國主導協(xié)調下,制定打擊使用信息和通信技術實施犯罪行為的國際法律文書。 | The Member States will continue to promote practical cooperation in countering threats and challenges in the information space based on the Agreement among the Governments of the SCO Member States on Cooperation in the Field of Ensuring International Information Security (Yekaterinburg, 16 June 2009), such as international cooperation in IT abuse, including for terrorist and criminal purposes, and call for developing an international legal document on countering IT use for criminal purposes under the auspices of the UN. | |
成員國指出,一切形式的腐敗對國家和地區(qū)安全構成威脅,導致國家治理效率低下,對投資吸引力產生消極影響,阻礙經濟社會可持續(xù)發(fā)展。成員國主張進一步開展包括經驗和信息交流在內的反腐敗領域全面國際合作。 | The Member States note that corruption, as a threat to national and regional security, in all its forms and manifestations leads to less effective public administration, adversely affects investment appeal and hampers socioeconomic progress. They express their intention to develop comprehensive international cooperation in anti-corruption activities, including through the sharing of experience and information. | |
成員國重申愿通過就司法鑒定經驗與方法交流、提高司法專家職業(yè)水平形成共同立場,開展法律、司法及司法鑒定領域的務實合作。成員國主張通過簽署上合組織相關公約在上合組織框架內制定的條約法律基礎,就包括商事在內的民事、刑事等案件向個人及法人提供法律幫助,上合組織觀察員國亦可在承擔公約義務的前提下加入。 | The Member States affirm their intention to develop practical cooperation in the legal and judicial areas by developing and approving approaches to exchanging expertise, methods to carry out forensic investigations and improving the skills of forensic experts. They advocate the establishment of a contractual legal framework on legal assistance to individuals and legal entities in civil cases, including trade and criminal cases in the framework of the SCO by adopting a corresponding SCO convention that will also envisage the participation of observer states if they comply with all the obligations under the convention. | |
成員國認為加強立法機關、政黨間交流與合作,開展治國理政和發(fā)展經驗交流十分重要。 | The Member States consider it important to give impetus to contact and cooperation between legislative agencies and political parties, as well as to exchange expertise in the area of state governance and development. | |
成員國高度評價上合組織派觀察員團觀察有關國家總統(tǒng)、議會選舉和全民公決方面所進行的實踐。 | The Member States praised the SCO missions to observe presidential and parliamentary elections and referendums. | |
三 | ||
成員國支持在國際法基本準則和原則框架內采取政治外交手段解決世界各地區(qū)沖突,以實現普遍安全與穩(wěn)定。 | The Member States advocate political and diplomatic settlement of the conflict situations in various regions of the world within the fundamental norms and principles of international law, in the interests of global security and stability. | |
成員國支持阿富汗伊斯蘭共和國政府和人民為維護安全,促進經濟發(fā)展,打擊恐怖主義、極端主義、毒品犯罪所作努力,認為阿富汗的和平與穩(wěn)定以及經濟復興將促進本地區(qū)安全和可持續(xù)發(fā)展。成員國強調,政治對話和“阿人主導、阿人所有”的包容性和解進程是解決阿富汗問題的唯一出路,呼吁在聯(lián)合國發(fā)揮中心協(xié)調作用下加強合作,實現該國穩(wěn)定與發(fā)展。 | The Member States support the efforts of the government and people of the Islamic republic of Afghanistan to provide security, ensure economic development, to counteract terrorism, extremism, and drug crimes. The Member States believe that establishing peace and stability in Afghanistan and an economic restoration will promote the security and sustainable development of the region as a whole. The member states emphasize that there is no alternative to settling the situation in Afghanistan beyond political dialogue and an inclusive peace process by the Afghan people themselves and under their guidance, and call for boosting cooperation under a central coordinating role of the UN for ensuring stability and development of the country. | |
成員國肯定2017年10月11日在莫斯科和2018年5月28日在北京舉行的“上合組織-阿富汗聯(lián)絡組”會議成果,支持“莫斯科模式”等阿富汗調解對話與合作機制進一步積極開展工作。 | The Member States noted the results of the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group meetings that took place on 11 October 2017 in Moscow and on 28 May 2018 in Beijing, and spoke in favour of activating the mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation on an Afghanistan settlement, including consultations in the Moscow format. | |
成員國認為2018年3月27日在塔什干舉行的“和平進程、安全合作與地區(qū)互聯(lián)互通”阿富汗問題高級別國際會議為阿富汗和平重建進程作出積極貢獻,對其成果表示歡迎。 | The Member States welcomed the outcome of the International High-Level Conference on Afghanistan, Peace Process, Security Cooperation and Regional Connectivity that took place in Tashkent on 27 March 2018, as an important and positive contribution to the process of restoring peace and stability in the country. | |
成員國重申化解敘利亞危機的唯一出路是根據聯(lián)合國安理會第2254號決議條款精神,在維護敘利亞主權、獨立和領土完整的基礎上,推進“敘人主導、敘人所有”的包容性政治進程。 | The Member States confirm that the implementation of an inclusive political process, under the direction of the Syrian people and by the Syrian people themselves, which must be conducted in accordance with the provisions of UNSC Resolution 2254 and proceed from the need for Syrian sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, is the only alternative to settling the Syrian crisis. | |
成員國支持聯(lián)合國主導的日內瓦和談,指出阿斯塔納進程的有效性,呼吁沖突各方采取切實措施,落實建立沖突降級區(qū)備忘錄,為政治調解敘利亞局勢創(chuàng)造有利條件。鑒此,成員國歡迎2018年1月30日在索契舉行的敘利亞全國對話大會成果,視其為推動敘利亞政治進程的重要貢獻。 | The Member States support the peace talks in Geneva under the auspices of the UN, note the efficiency of the Astana process, and call for all the parties to the conflict to take practical steps to implement the Memorandum on establishing the de-escalation areas to create favourable conditions for a political settlement of the situation in Syria. In this connection, the Member States welcomed the results of the Syrian National Dialogue Congress that took place on 30 January 2018 in Sochi as an important contribution to the promotion of the political process in Syria. | |
成員國反對任何人、在任何地點、在任何情況下、出于任何目的使用化學武器,支持根據《禁止化學武器公約》規(guī)定對化武襲擊展開全面、公正、客觀調查,并基于確鑿可信證據得出經得起檢驗的結論。 | The Member States oppose the use of chemical weapons anywhere, by anyone, under any circumstances and for any goals, and support holding, under the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention, a comprehensive, unbiased and objective investigation into chemical attacks and drawing conclusions based on reliable and trustworthy evidence that can stand up to scrutiny. | |
成員國指出持續(xù)履行伊朗核問題全面協(xié)議十分重要,呼吁協(xié)議參與方恪守義務,確保全面協(xié)議得到完整、有效執(zhí)行,促進全世界和地區(qū)和平與穩(wěn)定。 | The Member States deem it important to consistently implement the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear programme, and call for participants to strictly observe their obligations with a view to ensuring its full and efficient implementation and promoting peace and stability in the region and globally. | |
成員國主張只能通過對話協(xié)商以政治外交方式解決朝鮮半島問題,支持包括中國和俄羅斯在內的國際社會為緩和朝鮮半島局勢、促進半島無核化、維護東北亞地區(qū)持久和平提出的和平倡議。 | The Member States advocate the settlement of the situation on the Korean Peninsula solely through a political and diplomatic approach based on dialogue and consultations. They support the peace initiatives of the international community, including those of Russia and China, aimed at the normalization of the situation, including the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and securing long-term peace in Northeast Asia. | |
為此,成員國支持朝韓、朝美對話接觸,呼吁所有相關方積極促進對話進程。 | In this context, the Member States note the resumption of the intra-Korean dialogue, as well as the contact between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States, and urge all involved parties to support the negotiating process. | |
成員國重申應在盡早全面執(zhí)行2015年2月12日明斯克協(xié)議基礎上政治解決烏克蘭危機。 | The Member States confirm the need for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis based on the prompt and full implementation of the Minsk Agreements of 12 February 2015. | |
四 | ||
成員國支持完善全球經濟治理體系,發(fā)展經貿和投資合作。成員國認為,世界貿易組織是討論國際貿易議題、制定多邊貿易規(guī)則的重要平臺,支持共同構建開放型世界經濟,不斷鞏固開放、包容、透明、非歧視、以規(guī)則為基礎的多邊貿易體制,維護世貿組織規(guī)則的權威性和有效性,反對國際貿易關系的碎片化和任何形式的貿易保護主義。 | The Member States stand for the improvement of the architecture of global economic governance and the development of trade, economic and investment cooperation. They proceed from the belief that the World Trade Organization is the key platform for discussing the agenda for international trade and adopting the rules of a multilateral trade system. In order to maintain the reputation and efficiency of the WTO rules, the Member States stand for the joint forming of an open world economy, the consecutive strengthening of an open, inclusive, transparent, nondiscriminative and multilateral trade system based on rules, as well for the prevention of fragmentation of international trade relations and rejection of any forms of trade protectionism. | |
成員國主張遵循《上合組織憲章》,推動貿易和投資便利化,以逐步實現商品、資本、服務和技術的自由流通。為此,通過了上合組織成員國元首關于貿易便利化的聯(lián)合聲明。 | The Member States stand for creating favourable conditions for trade and investment in order to gradually introduce free movement of goods, capitals, services and technologies, as stipulated by the SCO Charter. In this relation, a Joint Statement of SCO Member States for Streamlining Trade Procedures has been adopted. | |
成員國認為,在上合組織框架內加強電子商務合作、發(fā)展服務業(yè)和服務貿易、支持中小微企業(yè)發(fā)展對于發(fā)展經濟、提高就業(yè)、增進人民福祉意義重大,支持進一步鞏固本領域法律基礎。 | The Member States believe that the development of the services industry and trade, the support of microbusiness, as well as small and medium-sized business and stimulation of e-trade within the SCO are very important for the development of the economy, and the growth of employment and prosperity of the population. The Member States stand for the further development of a legal and contractual basis in these areas. | |
成員國重申支持聯(lián)合國在推動落實全球可持續(xù)發(fā)展議程方面的核心作用,呼吁發(fā)達國家根據此前承擔的義務,為發(fā)展中國家提供資金、技術和能力建設支持。 | The Member States confirm their adherence to the central role of the UN in promoting the implementation of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development. They urge the developed countries, in accordance with the obligations assumed earlier, to provide financial and technical assistance to the developing countries and help them boost their potential. | |
成員國指出,深化區(qū)域經濟合作,特別是利用聯(lián)合國亞太經社理事會在交通、能源、信息通信、貿易等重要方向的潛能,對促進成員國經濟社會持續(xù)發(fā)展十分重要。成員國強調,應落實旨在發(fā)展區(qū)域經濟合作的上合組織框架內有關文件。 | The Member States emphasize the importance of deepening regional economic cooperation in order to ensure their sustainable social and economic development, including through the use of the potential of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in the key areas of its activity, including transport, energy, trade and IT. They stress the need to implement the relevant SCO documents aimed at developing regional economic cooperation. | |
成員國歡迎2018年6月6日在北京舉行的有成員國、觀察員國和對話伙伴實業(yè)界和商界代表參與的上合組織工商論壇成果,支持將于2018年11月在上海舉辦的中國國際進口博覽會。 | In this connection, the Member States note the results of the SCO Business Forum held on 6 June 2018 in Beijing with the participation of the SCO business communities, observers and dialogue partners, and supported the planned hosting of the International Import Expo in November 2018 in Shanghai. | |
成員國認為,開展上合組織成員國經濟智庫間合作十分重要。 | The Member States note the importance of cooperation between the scientific, research and analytical centres of the SCO Member States on economic issues. | |
成員國支持進一步深化金融領域務實合作,研究擴大本幣在貿易和投資中使用的前景。成員國指出,加強金融監(jiān)管交流,在宏觀審慎管理和金融機構監(jiān)管等方面進行合作,為金融機構和金融服務網絡化布局提供便利的準入安排和公平監(jiān)管環(huán)境具有現實意義。 | The Member States are in favour of further strengthening practical cooperation in banking and finance, including for the purpose of studying the prospects of expanding the use of national currencies in trade and investment. They noted the relevance of boosting exchanges in financial control and management, interaction in the balanced macroeconomic governance and control over financial agencies in order to provide easy access and fair conditions for financial structures and service networks. | |
成員國將加強在上合組織銀聯(lián)體、亞洲基礎設施投資銀行、新開發(fā)銀行、絲路基金、中國-歐亞經濟合作基金等本地區(qū)現有多邊銀行和金融機構框架下的合作,為本組織合作項目提供融資保障。成員國將繼續(xù)研究建立上合組織開發(fā)銀行和發(fā)展基金(專門賬戶)問題的共同立場。 | In order to finance the implementation of joint SCO projects, the Member States are boosting interaction within multilateral banking and financial organizations operating in the region, including the SCO Interbank Consortium, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the New Development Bank, the Silk Road Fund, the China-Eurasia Economic Development Fund and others. The Member States will continue to look for common approaches to creating the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Development Fund. | |
成員國強調,通過新建和升級國際交通線路中的路段,發(fā)展包括高鐵在內的公路和鐵路交通,建設多式聯(lián)運物流中心,引進先進創(chuàng)新技術,簡化和協(xié)調貨物通關時邊境、海關和檢疫程序,提升自動化建設水平,落實基礎設施合作項目等方式,發(fā)展交通、擴大過境運輸潛力和區(qū)域交通運輸潛能等領域的多邊合作十分重要。 | The Member States note the importance of promoting multilateral cooperation in transportation and increasing the transit and communications potential of the region, including by building new and upgrading existing sections of international transport routes, by developing road and rail systems, including fast highways, by creating multimodal logistics centres, by introducing cutting-edge and innovation technology, by simplifying and enhancing the standards of automation in border, customs, sanitary and other systems used to control the movement of goods across the Member States' borders, and also by implementing joint infrastructure projects. | |
成員國指出有必要切實落實2014年9月12日在杜尚別簽署的《上合組織成員國政府間國際道路運輸便利化協(xié)定》,繼續(xù)就制定《上合組織成員國公路發(fā)展規(guī)劃》開展工作。 | In this context, the Member States note the importance of implementing the Intergovernmental Agreement on International Road Transportation Facilitation (Dushanbe, 12 September 2014) and of the continued efforts to draft a programme for road development in the SCO Member States. | |
成員國支持烏茲別克斯坦關于舉行首次上合組織成員國鐵路部門負責人會晤的倡議,以提升交通通達性和互聯(lián)互通。 | The Member States support the initiative to hold the first meeting of the heads of the SCO Member States' rail administrations in Uzbekistan aimed at promoting transport accessibility and connectivity. | |
成員國歡迎上合組織與聯(lián)合國亞太經社理事會2017年11月23日在曼谷共同舉辦的“向地區(qū)交通互聯(lián)互通前行”高級別活動。 | The Member States welcome the High-Level Special Event of the SCO and UNESCAP, titled Towards Regional Transport Connectivity (Bangkok, 23 November 2017). | |
成員國歡迎建立上合組織地方領導人論壇,開展地區(qū)間合作,注意到關于2018年在俄羅斯聯(lián)邦車里雅賓斯克市舉辦論壇首次會議的建議。 | The Member States welcome the creation of the SCO Heads of Region Forum to promote interregional cooperation and take note of the proposal to hold the forum's first meeting in Chelyabinsk, the Russian Federation, in 2018. | |
成員國指出,在相互尊重、平等互利原則基礎上協(xié)調旨在上合組織地區(qū)推進經濟可持續(xù)發(fā)展方面合作,擴大投資規(guī)模、拓展交通聯(lián)系、提升能源合作、發(fā)展農業(yè)、促進創(chuàng)新和保障就業(yè)的國際、地區(qū)、國家發(fā)展項目和發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略擁有廣闊前景。 | The Member States point out the potential of coordinating international, regional and national development projects and strategies for stimulating cooperation in the interests of economic development based on the principles of respect, equality and mutual benefit, for encouraging investment and transport ties, promoting energy cooperation, strengthening the agricultural industry, introducing innovation and ensuring employment in the SCO space. | |
哈薩克斯坦共和國、吉爾吉斯共和國、巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國、俄羅斯聯(lián)邦、塔吉克斯坦共和國和烏茲別克斯坦共和國重申支持中華人民共和國提出的“一帶一路”倡議,肯定各方為共同實施“一帶一路”倡議,包括為促進“一帶一路”和歐亞經濟聯(lián)盟對接所做的工作。各方支持利用地區(qū)國家、國際組織和多邊合作機制的潛力,在上合組織地區(qū)構建廣泛、開放、互利和平等的伙伴關系。 | Reaffirming their support for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Member States express appreciation for the joint efforts taken towards its implementation, including efforts to coordinate the development of the Eurasian Economic Union and the BRI and call for using the potential of the regional countries, international organizations and multilateral associations to create a broad, open, mutually beneficial and equal partnership in the SCO space. | |
成員國強調,發(fā)展并深化互利合作,在包括數字經濟在內的信息和通信技術領域開展知識、信息及先進實踐方法的交流具有重要意義,有利于成員國經濟社會發(fā)展。 | The Member States emphasize the importance of promoting and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation and the exchange of knowledge, information and best practices in the area of information and communication technology, including digital technology, to the benefit of economic and social development of the SCO Member States. | |
成員國基于維護上合組織地區(qū)生態(tài)平衡、恢復生物多樣性的重要性,為居民生活和可持續(xù)發(fā)展創(chuàng)造良好條件,造福子孫后代,通過了《上合組織成員國環(huán)保合作構想》。 | Keeping in mind the importance of preserving an environmental balance in the SCO space and restoring biodiversity in the interests of future generations, and creating favourable conditions for people's lives and sustainable development, the Member States have adopted the Concept for SCO Member States' Cooperation in Environmental Protection. | |
成員國高度評價塔吉克斯坦共和國倡議的、聯(lián)合國大會2016年12月21日通過的2018-2028年“水促進可持續(xù)發(fā)展”國際行動十年的第71/222號決議,并歡迎將于2018年6月20日至22日在杜尚別舉行該主題的高級別國際會議。成員國支持為推動第73屆聯(lián)合國大會通過關于旨在實現水資源可持續(xù)發(fā)展目標與任務中期綜述的決議草案所作的努力。 | The Member States highly assess the initiative of the Republic of Tajikistan, which has been declared by UN General Assembly Resolution 71/222 of 21 December 2016 as International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development (2018-2028). They welcome the holding of a High-level International Conference on the Water Action Decade under UN auspices (Dushanbe, 20-22 June 2018). They call for supporting the draft resolution of the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly on a midterm review of the implementation of the Decade, which is aimed at facilitating the attainment of sustainable development goals and tasks in the sphere of water management. | |
成員國將在跨境動物疫病防控、農產品準入政策和質量安全、衛(wèi)生檢疫等領域開展交流與合作,以保障糧食安全。成員國指出有必要在這方面采取包括制定相關合作綱要在內的具體措施。 | The Member States express a willingness to stimulate exchanges and cooperation to prevent and combat cross-border epidemic outbreaks of animal diseases, provide access to quality agricultural products and use quarantine for purposes of food security. They emphasize the need to take practical measures towards this end, including the drafting of a programme of cooperation in this area. | |
成員國支持加強創(chuàng)新領域合作,指出成員國就創(chuàng)新領域政策,包括在建立創(chuàng)新生態(tài)環(huán)境、技術平臺、創(chuàng)新產業(yè)群、高科技公司及落實創(chuàng)新合作項目等方面協(xié)調立場十分重要。成員國指出,進一步深化在海關、農業(yè)、電信、中小微企業(yè)等領域的合作十分重要。 | The Member States call for strengthening cooperation in innovation activities. They point out the importance of coordinating the SCO Member States' approaches in innovation politics, including the creation of an innovative ecosystem, technology platforms, innovation clusters and high-tech companies, and by implementing joint innovation projects. The Member States stress the crucial significance of the further development of cooperation in customs, agriculture and telecommunications, as well as in micro-, small and medium-sized business. | |
成員國將致力于進一步發(fā)揮上合組織實業(yè)家委員會和銀行聯(lián)合體潛力,推動落實金融、高科技、基礎設施互聯(lián)互通、能源、投資等領域合作項目。鑒此,成員國歡迎上合組織銀聯(lián)體在吸收新成員方面所作努力。 | The Member States will work consistently to tap the potential of the SCO Business Council and SCO Interbank Consortium (SCO IBC) in order to implement joint projects in finance, high-technology, transport and communication infrastructure, energy and investment. In this context, the Member States welcome the efforts of the SCO IBC to attract new members. | |
五 | ||
成員國將繼續(xù)在文化、教育、科技、衛(wèi)生、旅游、民族手工藝、環(huán)保、青年交流、媒體、體育等領域開展富有成效的多邊和雙邊合作,促進文化互鑒、民心相通。 | The Member States will continue their productive bilateral and multilateral cooperation in culture, education, science, technology, healthcare, tourism, crafts, environmental protection, youth exchanges, the media and sport for the sake of mutual enrichment and closer relations between people. | |
成員國將在2007年8月16日在比什凱克簽署的《上合組織成員國政府間文化合作協(xié)定》基礎上繼續(xù)促進發(fā)展上合組織框架內的文化聯(lián)系,鞏固人民之間的相互理解,尊重成員國的文化傳統(tǒng)和習俗,保護并鼓勵文化的多樣性,舉辦國際藝術節(jié)和競賽,深化在音樂、戲劇、造型藝術、電影、檔案、博物館及圖書館領域的合作,開展包括古絲綢之路沿線在內的本地區(qū)文化與自然遺產研究與維護領域的合作。 | Based on the Agreement Between the Governments of the SCO Member States on Cooperation in Culture, which was signed in Bishkek on 16 August 2007, the Member States will continue to facilitate the development of cultural ties within the SCO, as well as better mutual understanding between people with more respect for the cultural traditions and customs of the Member States; preserve and encourage cultural diversity; hold international festivals and competitions; expand ties between musicians, theatres, artists, film-makers, archives, museums and libraries; and also develop cooperation in studying and preserving the nature and cultural heritage of the entire region, including along the historical Great Silk Road. | |
鑒此,成員國歡迎2018年9月在吉爾吉斯共和國舉辦第三屆世界游牧民族運動會。 | In keeping with the above, the Member States praise the decision to hold the 3rd World Nomads' Games in the Kyrgyz Republic in September 2018. | |
成員國指出,在上合組織秘書處舉辦的“上合組織-我們共同的家園”框架下的活動,以及有青年參與的開放日活動、研討會和圓桌會議具有重要意義。 | The Member States also noted the importance of holding the events under The SCO: Our Common Home project at the SCO Secretariat, as well as open days, conferences and roundtable discussions that involve youth. | |
成員國歡迎上合組織秘書處與聯(lián)合國教科文組織簽署合作諒解備忘錄,認為該文件反映了兩組織在人文領域發(fā)展建設性合作的愿望,包括為宣傳文化及其成就以及上合組織成員國歷史遺產所開展的工作。 | The Member States welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Between the SCO Secretariat and UNESCO, which reflects the aspiration of these international organizations to develop constructive cooperation in the humanitarian area, including with the aim of raising awareness of culture and cultural achievements, as well as the historical heritage of the SCO Member States. | |
成員國歡迎2017年7月2日至4日在新西伯利亞舉辦的上合組織與金磚國家婦女論壇和2018年5月15日至17日在北京舉辦的上合組織婦女論壇,強調開展該領域合作前景廣闊。 | The Member States hail the work of the International Congress of Women from the SCO and BRICS countries that was held in Novosibirsk on 2-4 July 2017, and the Women and the SCO forum held in Beijing on 15-17 May 2018, pointing to good prospects for this area of cooperation. | |
成員國將鼓勵發(fā)展媒體領域合作,支持舉辦上合組織媒體峰會。 | The Member States will encourage media cooperation and in connection with this note the SCO Media Forum held in Beijing on 1 June 2018. | |
成員國指出,體育作為促進民間對話的有效因素具有重要意義,應脫離政治。成員國堅信,即將于2018年在俄羅斯舉辦的國際足聯(lián)世界杯足球賽、2018年5月18日至19日在重慶舉辦的上合組織武術散打比賽、定期舉辦的上合組織馬拉松賽和一年一度的國際瑜珈日將促進友誼、和平、包容與和諧。 | The Member States, while acknowledging the importance of sport as an effective factor in promoting dialogue between people of different countries, believe that sport should be separated from politics. They believe that the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, the international Wushu competition in Chongqing on 18-19 May 2018, regular SCO marathons, and International Yoga Day held annually will contribute to stronger friendship, peace, mutual understanding and harmony. | |
成員國將繼續(xù)積極落實《上合組織成員國政府間教育合作協(xié)定》,擴大教學科研人員交流規(guī)模,聯(lián)合培養(yǎng)高素質人才。成員國將本著相互尊重原則,積極推動在師生交流、聯(lián)合科研、學術訪問、語言教學、職業(yè)教育、青少年交流等領域開展務實合作。 | The Member States continue to implement the Agreement Between the Governments of the SCO Member States on Cooperation in Education in order to expand education exchanges and jointly prepare highly skilled personnel. Based on the principle of mutual respect, the SCO Member States will further develop practical cooperation in teacher and student exchanges, joint scientific work, academic visits, foreign language-learning courses, professional education and youth exchanges. | |
成員國指出應積極開展衛(wèi)生應急、居民衛(wèi)生防疫保障、打擊假冒醫(yī)療產品、防止傳染病擴散、慢性病防控、傳統(tǒng)醫(yī)藥、醫(yī)學教育與科研、落實促進國際發(fā)展的合作綱要、醫(yī)療服務、醫(yī)務人員交流、保障食品安全及質量等領域合作,共同維護居民健康,促進衛(wèi)生發(fā)展和創(chuàng)新合作。 | The Member States point to the need to cooperate in various areas, such as building the potential for fast response in emergency healthcare; ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population; fighting against the distribution of counterfeit medical products; countering the spread of infectious diseases; preventing and monitoring chronic diseases; conventional medicine and pharmaceutics; medical education and research; implementing joint programmes for promoting global development; medical service and medical staff exchanges; ensuring safety and high quality food in order to jointly protect public health; providing incentives for the development of healthcare; and promoting innovative cooperation. | |
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成員國高度評價2017-2018年中方主席國工作,其成果鞏固了上合組織成員國人民之間的相互理解與信任、富有成果的建設性合作和睦鄰友好關系。 | The Member States highly appreciate the results of China's SCO Presidency in 2017-2018, which have contributed to promoting mutual trust and mutual understanding, constructive and fruitful cooperation, neighborly relations and friendship between people in the SCO Member States. | |
成員國將繼續(xù)開展建設性對話,擴大并深化伙伴合作,旨在有效解決地區(qū)和全球問題,促進政治和經濟穩(wěn)定,構建公正、平等的國際秩序。 | The Member States will continue to develop constructive dialogue, expand, as partners, their multifaceted cooperation in order to effectively resolve regional and global issues in the interests of enhancing political and economic stability and building a fair and equitable world order. | |
印度共和國總理 莫迪 哈薩克斯坦共和國總統(tǒng) 納扎爾巴耶夫 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 吉爾吉斯共和國總統(tǒng) 熱恩別科夫 巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國總統(tǒng) 侯賽因 俄羅斯聯(lián)邦總統(tǒng) 普京 塔吉克斯坦共和國總統(tǒng) 拉赫蒙 烏茲別克斯坦共和國總統(tǒng) 米爾濟約耶夫 2018年6月10日于青島 | Prime Minister, Republic of India Narendra Modi President, Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev President, People's Republic of China Xi Jinping President, Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain President, Russian Federation Vladimir Putin President, Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon President, Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev Qingdao, 10 June 2018 | |
(來源:新華社) | (Source: chinadaily.com.cn) |