

Full text: Statement by Xi Jinping at the 15th SCO summit

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-07-30


7月10日,上海合作組織成員國元首理事會第十五次會議在俄羅斯烏法舉行。國家主席習近平出席會議并發(fā)表重要講話。[新華社 龐興雷 攝]
Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the 15th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Ufa, Russia, July 10, 2015. [Pang Xinglei/Xinhua]
國家主席習近平10日在俄羅斯烏法舉行的上海合作組織成員國元首理事會第十五次會議上發(fā)表題為《團結互助 共迎挑戰(zhàn) 推動上海合作組織實現(xiàn)新跨越》的重要講話。講話全文如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled "Strengthening Shanghai Cooperation Organization Through Unity, Mutual Support and Joint Response to Challenges" at the 15th meeting of the Council of the Heads of State of the SCO Member States in Ufa, Russia, July 10, 2015. The following is the full text of his speech:

團結互助 共迎挑戰(zhàn) 推動上海合作組織實現(xiàn)新跨越


Strengthening Shanghai Cooperation Organization Through Unity, Mutual Support and Joint Response to Challenges
Statement by H.E. Xi Jinping
President of the People's Republic of China
At the 15th Meeting of the Council of the Heads of State of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States
Ufa, 10 July 2015

尊敬的各位同事:Dear Colleagues,
很高興來到美麗的烏法出席上海合作組織峰會。感謝東道主俄羅斯為這次峰會順利舉行所做的精心準備和周到安排。一年來,俄方作為主席國為深化上海合作組織各領域合作做了大量卓有成效的工作,為上海合作組織下階段發(fā)展打下堅實基礎。中方對此高度評價。It gives me great pleasure to come to the beautiful city of Ufa to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit. Let me thank our host, the Russian Federation, for its meticulous preparations and hospitality. We also applaud Russia for its effective work in the past year to promote SCO cooperation in various fields, which has laid a solid foundation for strengthening the SCO.
去年杜尚別峰會以來,上海合作組織成員國密切配合,相互支持,妥善因應形勢變化,加大了維護本地區(qū)安全穩(wěn)定力度,提高了成員國利益融合和交流合作水平,本組織吸引力和凝聚力持續(xù)增強。同時,也要看到,受國際和地區(qū)形勢動蕩、“三股勢力”沆瀣合流、地區(qū)國家經濟下行壓力加大等內外因素影響,本地區(qū)安全穩(wěn)定和經濟發(fā)展都遇到相當多的困難和挑戰(zhàn),上海合作組織發(fā)展面臨的外部形勢不容樂觀。Since the last summit in Dushanbe, SCO member states have worked together to respond to changing developments through closer coordination and mutual support. Efforts have been intensified to maintain security and stability in our region. Mutual interests and cooperation among member states have expanded. The influence and cohesiveness of this organization continue to grow. On the other hand, given the fluid international and regional landscape, the convergence of the three forces and mounting downward pressure on the economy of countries in the region, our region faces multiple difficulties and challenges in promoting security, stability and economic growth. And we should not be overly optimistic about the general external environment of the SCO.
我們要加快步伐,切實行動,以上海合作組織至2025年發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略為指導,在新起點上推動組織實現(xiàn)新跨越,為地區(qū)各國共同維護穩(wěn)定和促進發(fā)展提供堅實保障和強大助力。We need to move faster and take more concrete actions. We have reached a new departure point. We should, guided by the SCO Development Strategy Towards 2025, make the SCO cross new thresholds and make it an anchor and driver for promoting stability and development of the countries in the region.
第一,堅持“上海精神”,打造本地區(qū)命運共同體。15年來,互信、互利、平等、協(xié)商、尊重多樣文明、謀求共同發(fā)展的“上海精神”已經成為上海合作組織賴以生存發(fā)展的根基,代表了當今國際關系發(fā)展方向。First, we should follow the Shanghai spirit to build a community of common destiny. Featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respecting diverse civilizations and seeking common development, the Shanghai spirit has over the past 15 years underpinned the SCO's development and represents the trend in contemporary international relations.
今天,“上海精神”仍然具有時代意義。我們要繼續(xù)以“上海精神”為指引,堅持上海合作組織一貫秉持的國際關系準則,維護國際公平正義,倡導多邊主義和開放主義,相互尊重彼此利益,不干涉別國內政,以和平方式解決分歧爭端,以共贏理念促進發(fā)展繁榮。要讓“上海精神”在本地區(qū)更加深入人心、發(fā)揚光大,成為本組織成員國打造命運共同體、共建和諧家園的精神紐帶。Fifteen years on, the Shanghai spirit is still highly relevant. We should continue to observe it and other principles governing international relations championed by the SCO. We should uphold international equity and justice, promote multilateralism and openness, respect each other's interests, refrain from interfering in other country's internal affairs, settle disputes through peaceful means and seek common development and prosperity with a win-win approach. We should carry forward the Shanghai spirit in our region and make it an inspirational bond bringing member states together in our endeavor to build a community of common destiny and promote harmony in our region.
戰(zhàn)爭的慘痛教訓不容忘記。今年是世界反法西斯戰(zhàn)爭勝利和聯(lián)合國成立70周年。本組織成員國都經歷了第二次世界大戰(zhàn)血與火的考驗,為戰(zhàn)爭勝利付出了巨大犧牲。各國元首將在峰會后發(fā)表關于世界反法西斯戰(zhàn)爭暨第二次世界大戰(zhàn)勝利70周年的聲明,發(fā)出呼喚和平的一致聲音。我們要繼續(xù)做捍衛(wèi)第二次世界大戰(zhàn)勝利成果的堅定力量,絕不允許任何人歪曲歷史、踐踏和平。The painful lesson of war should never be forgotten. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the World Anti-Fascist War and the founding of the United Nations. All SCO member states endured the test of blood and fire of World War II and contributed to the final victory with enormous sacrifice. After this summit, we will issue a declaration commemorating the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and World War II and make a joint call for peace. We will continue to be a staunch force for upholding the victorious outcomes of World War II and never allow anyone to distort history or undermine peace.
借此機會,我謹代表中方向在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)中英勇戰(zhàn)斗、為人類正義事業(yè)捐軀的烈士,表示深切的緬懷!向支援中國人民反抗日本軍國主義侵略的國家和國際友人,表示衷心的感謝!On behalf of China, I take this opportunity to pay deep tribute to all those who fought fearlessly and made the ultimate sacrifice for the noble cause of justice during World War II. I also extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the countries and foreign friends who supported the Chinese people in their struggle against Japanese militarist aggression.
第二,加強行動能力,筑牢地區(qū)安全屏障。維護地區(qū)安全穩(wěn)定是本組織所有成員國共同關切。防止地區(qū)局勢生亂、防范恐怖主義和宗教極端思想肆意蔓延、防止別有用心勢力破壞地區(qū)和平穩(wěn)定是本組織職責所在。Second, we should strengthen capabilities to uphold security in our region. Upholding security and stability in our region is a common concern for all member states. The SCO has the responsibility to prevent instability, forestall the spread of terrorist and religious extremist ideologies and stop forces with hidden agenda from undermining peace and stability in our region.
我們要加強政策溝通和協(xié)調,研究應對舉措,共同維護各成員國政權、制度、社會安全和穩(wěn)定。We should enhance policy consultation and coordination, study ways of responding to challenges and work together to uphold the government, system, security and stability of SCO member states.
我們要應對好阿富汗局勢,加強同阿富汗安全合作,幫助阿富汗安全力量加強能力建設,在促進阿富汗實現(xiàn)民族和解和經濟重建過程中發(fā)揮更大作用。We should respond to new developments in Afghanistan, strengthen security cooperation with Afghanistan, help Afghan security forces build capacity, and play a bigger role in promoting national reconciliation and economic reconstruction in Afghanistan.
我們要強有力推進反恐、禁毒、防務合作,提高本組織安全行動能力,形成更嚴密健全的執(zhí)法合作網絡。加快在地區(qū)反恐怖機構基礎上建立應對安全挑戰(zhàn)和威脅中心,強化本組織禁毒職能,對本組織應對安全挑戰(zhàn)具有迫切現(xiàn)實意義。中方歡迎成員國此次簽署《邊防合作協(xié)定》,完善本組織安全合作的法律基礎,鞏固成員國外部邊界穩(wěn)定,愿同各方加緊研究起草本組織《反極端主義公約》。We should take strong measures to advance counter-terrorism, drug control and defense cooperation, increase SCO security operation capacity, and strengthen the network of law enforcement cooperation. We should, on the basis of the Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure, accelerate the building of a center for responding to security challenge and threat and enhance drug control functions of the SCO. This will be an urgently needed and effective step for the SCO to meet security challenges. China welcomes the signing of the Border Control Cooperation Agreement among member states, as this will improve the legal basis for SCO security cooperation and ensure border stability of member states. And China is ready to speed up study and drafting of the Anti-Extremism Convention of the SCO with other member states.
第三,深挖合作潛力,充實務實合作內容。尋求新的增長點、改善社會民生是本組織成員國的重大任務。上海合作組織應該推動各方在互利共贏基礎上,創(chuàng)造更多合作機遇,推動區(qū)域經濟合作取得早期收獲。Third, we should tap potential for cooperation and enrich practical cooperation. To seek new growth areas and improve people's livelihood is a major task for SCO member states. On the basis of promoting mutual benefit, the SCO should encourage its member states to create more cooperation opportunities and strive for early harvest in regional economic cooperation.
我們要在貿易和投資便利化自由化方面邁出更大步伐。應該擴大貿易規(guī)模,優(yōu)化貿易結構,制定共同措施,協(xié)調經貿、海關、質檢、運輸?shù)阮I域政策。We should take even bigger steps to promote trade and investment facilitation and liberalization. It is important for us to expand trade volume, improve trade structure, adopt common measures, and harmonize business, customs, quality inspection and transport policies.
交通設施互聯(lián)互通是區(qū)域合作的優(yōu)先領域和重要基礎。各方應積極參與上海合作組織公路協(xié)調發(fā)展規(guī)劃的制訂工作,加快實施成員國間道路運輸便利化協(xié)定。中方愿同各方加強合作,優(yōu)先實施已經達成共識的互聯(lián)互通項目,為項目可行性研究和規(guī)劃提供資金支持,參與設計和建設的投融資合作。在未來幾年,推動建成4000公里鐵路、超過10000公里公路,基本形成區(qū)域內互聯(lián)互通格局。Transport infrastructure connectivity is a priority area and important basis for enhancing regional cooperation. The SCO member states should take an active part in the formulation of the SCO Plan for the Coordinated Development of Roads, and accelerate the implementation of the Road Transport Facilitation Agreement. China is ready to step up cooperation with other member states, carry out agreed connectivity projects on a priority basis, provide funding support for the feasibility study and planning of projects, and participate in investment and financing cooperation of the design and construction of projects. In the next few years, we will build 4,000 kilometers of railways and over 10,000 kilometers of roads, thus basically forming a regional connectivity architecture.
開展成員國間投資、產能、裝備、基礎設施建設合作,對培育新的經濟增長點、擴大就業(yè)具有重要現(xiàn)實意義。中國同哈薩克斯坦等國已經就有關合作達成共識。成員國可以利用互補優(yōu)勢,在平等互利基礎上開展聯(lián)合生產,并將產品推向國際市場。中方愿根據(jù)市場原則,推動在每個成員國建立合作園區(qū),不斷深化產能合作。To conduct cooperation in investment, production capacity, equipment and infrastructure development between member states is important to fostering new growth areas and creating more jobs. China has reached cooperation agreement with Kazakhstan and other countries in this area. The member states may leverage complementary strengths, carry out joint production on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and introduce such products to the international market. China will work for the establishment of cooperation zones in each member state and deepen production capacity cooperation on the basis of market operation.
成立上海合作組織開發(fā)銀行是促進本組織多邊合作的戰(zhàn)略舉措,對組織未來發(fā)展意義深遠。我們應該堅持這一方向,爭取早日建成本組織自有融資平臺,為多邊普惠項目和各國經濟發(fā)展服務。現(xiàn)階段,中方愿通過絲路基金、中國-歐亞經濟合作基金等金融平臺,解決上海合作組織成員國投資需求,結合《2017至2021年上海合作組織進一步推動項目合作的措施清單》,重點在重大基礎設施項目、資源開發(fā)、產業(yè)和金融合作等領域開展投資合作。To establish the SCO development bank is a strategic measure to promote multilateral cooperation within the organization, and it has far-reaching significance for its future development. We should keep working on it and set up an SCO financing platform at an early date, so as to support multilateral inclusive financing projects and economic development of various countries. China is ready to use financing platforms such as the Silk Road Fund and the China-Eurasia Economic Cooperation Fund to meet the investment needs of SCO member states. We should give priority to investment cooperation in major infrastructure projects, resource development, and industrial and financial cooperation in accordance with the List of Measures by the SCO to Further Promote Project Cooperation 2017-2021.
中方正在落實3年內為上海合作組織成員國培訓2000名人才的計劃。同時,中方還將在產業(yè)規(guī)劃、項目可行性研究、咨詢等領域提供技術援助,提高各國能力建設水平。China is implementing a plan to train 2,000 personnel for SCO member states in three years. It will also provide technical assistance in industrial planning, project feasibility study, consulting and other areas to help member states bolster capacity-building.
我們應該加強各國能源政策溝通,制定跨國油氣管道安保合作具體措施。要繼續(xù)擴大農產品貿易,開展農林牧漁合作,共同保障糧食安全。中方愿繼續(xù)利用中方資金,為成員國培訓農業(yè)技術人員,提高各國農業(yè)技術和糧食生產水平。中方建議制定“上海合作組織科技伙伴計劃”,加快推動環(huán)保信息共享平臺建設,愿同各國一道,發(fā)揮好上海合作組織實業(yè)家委員會、銀行聯(lián)合體等機制作用。We should enhance communication on energy policy, and introduce specific measures for enhancing cooperation on security of transnational oil and gas pipelines. We need to expand trade in agricultural produce and foster cooperation in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery to ensure food security. China will continue to train agricultural technicians for member states with its own fund to improve agro-technology and grain production of member states. China proposes the formulation of an SCO scientific and technological partnership program and the establishment of a platform for sharing information on environmental protection. We will work with other member states to fully leverage the role of SCO Entrepreneurs Committee and the Inter-Bank Consortium.
在各方支持和響應下,中方提出的共建絲綢之路經濟帶倡議得以順利實施。我們希望絲綢之路經濟帶建設同上海合作組織各國發(fā)展規(guī)劃相輔相成,將同有關國家一道,實施好絲綢之路經濟帶同歐亞經濟聯(lián)盟對接,促進歐亞地區(qū)平衡發(fā)展。With the positive response and support of all parties, the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt proposed by China is well underway. We hope that this initiative and the development plans of member states will complement each other; and we will work with relevant countries to form synergy between this initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union so as to advance the balanced development of Eurasia.
第四,推動民心相通,鞏固世代睦鄰友好。古老的絲綢之路見證了各國人民結下的深厚傳統(tǒng)友誼。我們應該繼續(xù)弘揚絲路精神,夯實本地區(qū)各國友好交往的民意基礎,讓各國人民互信互敬,共建和諧、安寧、繁榮的家園。Fourth, we should increase understanding between our peoples and foster enduring friendship. The ancient silk road bears testimony to the profound friendship of our peoples. We should carry forward the silk road spirit and enhance public support for our friendship. With mutual trust and respect between our peoples, we will be able to build a harmonious, peaceful and prosperous homeland.
中方支持拓寬本組織各國民間和社會交流渠道,深化文化、教育、衛(wèi)生、旅游、體育、媒體等各領域交流合作。為加強青年交往,中方將在邀請上海合作組織國家青年領導人訪華研修計劃的基礎上,自2016年起連續(xù)5年在華舉辦“上海合作組織青年交流營”,每年邀請本組織國家200名青年代表參加活動。應中方邀請,去年塔吉克斯坦198名中小學生赴華參加了夏令營活動。今年,包括來自峰會舉辦地烏法市的俄羅斯200名中小學生將赴華。中方將在2018年前完成為成員國2000名中小學生舉辦夏令營活動。China supports expanding the scope of people-to-people exchange and deepening communication and cooperation in areas such as culture, education, health, tourism, sports and media. To boost youth exchange, China will, in addition to providing training for young leaders from member states, host an SCO youth exchange camp in China for five consecutive years starting from 2016 with 200 young people participating annually. Last year, 198 middle and primary school students from Tajikistan were invited to join a summer camp program in China. This year, 200 middle and primary school students from our host city Ufa will visit China. By 2018, China will have hosted summer camps for 2,000 middle and primary school students from SCO member states.
2014年,中國海外旅游等出境人數(shù)突破l億人次。俄羅斯、烏茲別克斯坦已經是中國公民出境旅游目的地國。我們愿同上海合作組織其他國家共同分享中國出境旅游發(fā)展給各國經濟帶來的巨大機遇,也希望各國簡化中國公民赴有關國家簽證手續(xù)。In 2014, over 100 million overseas visits were made by people from China. Russia and Uzbekistan are both now tourist destinations for Chinese citizens. We are ready to share with other member states the immense economic opportunities created by Chinese overseas tourists, and hope that they will streamline visa procedures for Chinese citizens.
中國支持各國加強司法交流合作,愿依托中國-上海合作組織國際司法交流合作培訓基地,協(xié)助成員國培訓司法人才。China supports greater judicial exchange and cooperation among SCO members and will assist other member states in training judicial personnel through the China-SCO International Judicial Exchange and Training Center.
中方支持成員國在緊急救災、傳染病防治、便利人員往來等領域繼續(xù)加強合作,愿同各國研究探討中醫(yī)藥合作、簡化人員簽證和勞務許可手續(xù)等舉措。China supports enhanced cooperation among SCO members in areas such as disaster relief, epidemic prevention and treatment and facilitation of people-to-people exchange. We will discuss with other member states ways of boosting cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine and measures to streamline procedures for visa application and work permit.
第五,保持開放互鑒,推動組織發(fā)展。本次峰會后,本組織將啟動接收印度、巴基斯坦為新成員的程序。我們也歡迎白俄羅斯成為本組織觀察員國,阿塞拜疆、亞美尼亞、柬埔寨、尼泊爾成為對話伙伴國。中方相信,新生力量的加入將給上海合作組織各領域合作注入新動力。Fifth, we should boost the growth of the SCO with an open mind and through mutual learning. After this summit, the SCO will launch the process of admitting India and Pakistan as new members. We also welcome Belarus as an observer state and Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia and Nepal as dialogue partners to the SCO. China believes that their participation will inject fresh vitality into SCO cooperation across the board.
我們要支持本組織繼續(xù)擴大對外交往,密切同聯(lián)合國、獨聯(lián)體、歐亞經濟聯(lián)盟、集安條約組織、東盟、亞信等國際和地區(qū)多邊機制的聯(lián)系和合作,交流互鑒,取長補短。We need to support the SCO in expanding its contacts with other organizations and forging closer ties and cooperation with the UN, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia and other international and regional multilateral mechanisms to benefit more from mutual learning.
我們要深入研究如何加強同觀察員國、對話伙伴合作問題,繼續(xù)健全相應對話和合作機制,使上海合作組織發(fā)展成果更多惠及觀察員國和對話伙伴,實現(xiàn)優(yōu)勢互補,成果共享。We need to study ways to strengthen cooperation with observer states and dialogue partners and improve relevant dialogue and cooperation mechanisms, so that observer states and dialogue partners will benefit more from the SCO through drawing on each other's strengths and sharing the fruits of development.
各位同事!Dear Colleagues,
我相信,只要我們繼續(xù)秉持“上海精神”,團結互助,就一定能夠推動上海合作組織在新的歷史條件下,百尺竿頭、更進一步,實現(xiàn)新的跨越和發(fā)展!It is my conviction that by upholding the Shanghai spirit and acting with unity and mutual support, we will surely enable the SCO to grow from strength to strength and make new strides in a new historical stage.
謝謝各位。Thank you.


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