Xi Yanchun:
Thank you, Mr. Liu Hua. Now, the floor is open for questions. Please identify the news organization you represent before asking questions.
As mentioned in the white paper, China implements a national nuclear safety strategy. What does this entail at present, and how is the work going? Thank you.
Liu Hua:
Thank you. China adheres to the nuclear safety strategy that puts safety first and combines the two goals of development and security. Within the overall framework of the five-year plan for national economic and social development, a nuclear safety plan is formulated and implemented for the matching period. The plan currently implemented is the 13th Five-year Plan for Nuclear Safety and Radioactive Pollution Prevention and Control and Vision for 2025, which analyzes the situation and tasks, clarifies guidelines and principles, and defines target indicators, key tasks and projects for nuclear safety. It is a general plan for coordinating all efforts to ensure nuclear safety from 2016 to 2020.
Last year, we carried out a mid-term evaluation of the 13th Five-Year Plan for nuclear safety. This determined that the set targets had basically been achieved , and the key tasks and projects had been completed on schedule. Generally, the plan has been progressing well.
Liu Hua:
First, our nuclear power plants have maintained a high level of nuclear safety in line with world trends. In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, we worked out a plan for improving safety management, and a special action plan for the particular year in dealing with nuclear power plant safety management. The statistics of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) in the past five years show that operating units in China have performed above the world median for more than 80% of the indicators, and have reached the world advanced level for more than 70%. Generally speaking, China ranks in the forefront of the world in this respect.
Second, the safety level of research reactors and nuclear fuel cycle facilities has continued to be enhanced.
Third, progress has been made in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and the management of radioactive waste.
Fourth, the management of nuclear technology utilization devices has been improved. In China, all radioactive sources are included in safety management, and an online monitoring system for high-risk sources has been established. The accident rate involving radioactive sources has continued to fall.
Fifth, efforts to decommission uranium mining and metallurgical facilities has made significant headway.
Sixth, the supervision of nuclear safety equipment has been further strengthened.
Seventh, overall nuclear security has been further upgraded.
Eighth, the nuclear and radiation emergency response system has been improved.
Ninth, R&D in nuclear safety technology has achieved effective results.
Tenth, the nuclear safety regulatory capacity has been further expanded.