Buddhist Doctrines as the Essence of "Science of the Mind", and Purity in the Precepts as the Foundation for Preservation of the Dharma
Speech for the 3rd World Buddhist Forum on 26 April, 2012/4/22
By Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu
"Cultivating our compassionate heart,
We vow to remove deluded view from human mind.
Embodying the ancient Noble Path,
We venerate Gautama Buddha!"
It is my honor taking part in the inauguration of the 3rd World Buddhist Forum. At this memorable moment, let me extend to all learnt members of the Samgha, officials, scholars and guests, my best wishes.
The topic of my speech today is "Buddhist Doctrines as the essence of 'science of the mind', and purity in the precepts as the foundation for preservation of the Dharma."
The virtuous Buddha compassionately and skillfully opened the door to the Dharma, pointing out for us the way to choose between wholesome and unwholesome acts. Aiming at both getting self enlightenment and enlightening others, Buddhism has prospered for thousand years, and is now an important component of the world religion.
For the sake of liberating all suffering beings from the existence laden with the Five Aggregates, our great teacher, ?ākyamuni — the only light in the three Realms, handed down the Tripitaka of Sutra, Vinaya, and Abhidharma, and the Threefold Training of ethical conduct (?īla), concentration (samādhi), and wisdom (praj?ā) with a systematic framework entailing right view, profound practice, and skilful action. These have been treasured by people throughout time and places.
Since the prosperity of Dharma in ancient India, many learnt Buddhists have established monasteries and institutes at various countries for different races, promoting Buddhism like rainbows appearing all over the world. Significant contributions to the development of human societies, ethics, and cultural education have been made.
However, it is a contemporary trend to put "materialistic technology" ahead of the "science of the mind". Increasing Greediness in people's hearts has unbalanced the eco systems, contaminated the environments, caused natural disasters, spread epidemics, induced wars, and hence endangering all sentient beings now and in future. While people are searching for the remedy, "science of the mind" stands out as a path leading to harmony of the nature, peace in world, concordance in societies and affection in families.
Dharma advocates altruistic care for all beings, purification of body, speech and mind, salvation for all sentient beings, and the achievement of the two supra-mundane states. We can see that, with right view, profound practice, and skilful action, Dharma embraces profuse intellectual, cultural, devotional, and compassionate contents. Buddhist Doctrines are the essence of the "science of the mind", which can benefit spiritual growth, cultivate morality, dissolve human conflicts and mental sufferings, and bring global peace. ?āntideva Bodhisattva once said,
"As the sole medicine for the sufferings
And the source of all happiness,
May the teachings, with support and respect,
Continue to exist endlessly in the world."
Therefore, the promotion of Dharma is a very important issue for the contemporary world.
As we all know, for the preservation of Dharma to benefit all beings, the building of huge and splendid monasteries is not sufficient. A healthy Buddhist community with sufficient number of ordained students is the key. It is also paramount to closely observe ethical conduct as stipulated by Nāgārjuna Bodhisattva,
"With a nature of good qualities, keep your vows unbroken,
Not debased, not corrupted, and free of stain.
Just as the earth's the base for all that's still or moves,
On discipline, it's said, is founded all that's good."
This would ensure proper conformity with the Dharma as well as the laws, and would earn trust and respect from other people.
Inheriting and developing Dharma is the upmost mission for all Buddhists. We should use antique monasteries and influential institutes as our base for training up various teaching personnel and members of the Samgha, providing them with healthy environments to practice Perfections, such that their good inner potentials may generate the power necessary for promulgating the Dharma. This would in turn advance the "science of the mind" for the betterment of human nature.
We should also work towards an organic synergy of "science of the mind" and "materialistic technology", as it would be contributive to global peace, social harmony, and cultural development.
Lastly, I wish to pray for the long lasting preservation of the Dharma on Earth, and wellbeing for everyone. Tashi Delek!
(Courtesy of the Third World Buddhist Forum)