A area residents call it the village of fools, but for the 39 people who live in Qingshan village it is definitely home where they receive care, comfort and support.
Qingshan residents make interesting photo subjects. |
All of the residents are mentally and physically handicapped and many have lived in the village since it was established in 1986.
The first residents suffered from an iodine deficiency that stunted their mental development and caused other health problems. The World Health Organization has called human iodine deficiency “the single greatest preventable cause of mental retardation.”
Iodine is an essential trace element required for human health and people with iodine deficiencies are usually found in poor inland areas and have little access to seafood.
Recognition of the cause of their mental handicaps came too late for the residents of Qingshan, who have little capacity to look after themselves.
Their residence is supported by funding from the government, donations from the public and a minimum living allowance provided by the government to each resident.
Qingshan village is tucked away in a suburb of Jilin city, Jilin Province. It’s a two-hour drive to the nearest railway station.
The residents have learned a daily and seasonal routine as they work together sewing, farming and raising their own animals. They work as a collective and share the proceeds of their labor to ensure everyone has adequate and equal care.
The residents are curious and happily welcome visitors.