Fang Zhouzi, a popular science writer known for his efforts in exposing academic frauds in China, was reportedly attacked and slightly injured Sunday afternoon.
Fang told Xinhua reporters in a police station that he was attacked by two men in the street after finished a TV interview near his home at about 5 p.m..
A man sprayed pungent liquid on his face and another man hit his waist with a hammer, Fang said.
Fang's wife wrote on behalf of Fang in his microblog at 6:19 p.m., saying that Fang had just been ambushed by two gangsters.
The attackers hit Fang with pepper spray and a hammer and Fang suffered slight injuries, she said.
Fang Zhouzi was born in Fujian Province in 1967. He is well known for disclosing bogus research and academic frauds in China, including the latest cases of Li Yi, a Taoist priest in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, and Jun Tang, former CEO of Microsoft Greater China Region.