The Social Welfare Department of Hong Kong Friday said at least 1,500 children from a disadvantaged background will benefit from the Child Development Fund Project in the first half of the year.
The remark came after the government announced its plan to roll out 15 second batch fund projects in the first half of 2010.
The department has invited interested non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to submit proposals for operating the projects. Selected NGOs are expected to start recruiting children for the projects in May.
A department spokesman said the first batch of the fund pioneer projects rolled out in Dec. 2008 were well received and widely supported by different sectors of the community.
The government set up the 300 million HK dollars (about 38.7 million U.S. dollars) fund to provide disadvantaged children with more personal development opportunities, so as to reduce inter-generational poverty.
The fund projects help participants draw up and implement their own development plans as well as develop an asset-building habit, thus preparing them for long-term development.
According to the spokesman, the applicant for the fund must be a charitable organization registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112), with a good track record in the provision of children and youth services in Hong Kong in the past five years.