Renowned Chinese director Gu Changwei presents a powerful narrative in his new drama film "The Hedgehog," focusing on social outcasts played by veteran actor Ge You and heartthrob idol Wang Junkai.
Cast and crew of "The Hedgehog" pose for a photo at the film's premiere in Beijing, Aug. 19, 2023. [Photo courtesy of Bravo Entertainment]
The film is a poignant story about a stuttering teenager and his eccentric uncle, both misfits, who forge a unique friendship. They fight against traditional family expectations and social misunderstandings, supporting and inspiring each other as they try to find their respective paths in life.
"The Hedgehog" is adapted from a short story by Zheng Zhi and won the best screenplay at the Golden Goblet Awards of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival in June.
Zheng, who also served as one of the screenwriters for the film, said at the Beijing premiere on Aug. 19 that he was moved to tears during the first viewing. "The original short story is more melancholic, while the film adds a touch of warmth, leaving room for hope," he said.
Director Gu praised the performances of Ge You, a respected actor in both comedy and drama genres, and Wang Junkai, also known as Karry Wang from the hit boy band TFBoys. Gu said he knew he had found the right actor after just a few chats with Wang during the preparation for the movie.
"Wang is an old actor in a young body," Ge said at the premiere, noting that the young actor made many important suggestions during filming. Wang responded that Ge taught him a lot about how to act from his heart according to the plot and scene.
The audience gave positive feedback after the premiere, praising the film for its "mixture of absurdity and reality" and conveying the inspiring message that people should live their lives the way they want. "The Hedgehog" is set for release nationwide on Aug. 23.