The newest installment in Japan's ever-popular "Detective Conan" animation franchise is already the highest-grossing film in the cinematic series, with its box office record expected to rise even further as it debuts nationwide in China on Friday, Aug. 16.
Voice actors Kappei Yamaguchi and Ryo Horikawa for "Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram" interact with fans via video link at the China premiere held in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Aug. 10, 2024. [Photo courtesy of Today Pictures]
Directed by Chika Nagaoka, "Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram" follows renowned detectives Conan Edogawa and Heiji Hattori as they investigate an attempted theft of ancient swords in Hakodate, Hokkaido by Kaito Kid, one of the detective duo's nemeses. As the investigation unfolds, the three characters find themselves on a collision course with a hidden treasure and a murder mystery. Additionally, the investigation is intertwined with the developing love story between Heiji and his childhood friend Kazuha Toyama, adding an engaging subplot to the complex mystery.
Since its initial release in Japan, the film has grossed over 15.6 billion Japanese yen ($106 million), making it the highest-grossing Japanese film of 2024 so far and the highest-grossing installment to date in the "Detective Conan" franchise. The first "Detective Conan" film was released in 1997.
The premiere and advanced screenings in China for this 27th theatrical installment were held in five cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, on Aug. 10. Coinciding with China's Valentine's Day, Qixi Festival, marketing efforts for the premiere and advanced screenings saw theaters decorated with romantic displays as well as an online release of a movie trailer that focused on Heiji's confession of love to Kazuha.
Via video link at the premiere, voice actor Ryo Horikawa, who provides the voice for Heiji Hattori, laughed that Heiji needs to work harder on his romantic relationship.
Kappei Yamaguchi, who provides the voice for Kaito Kid, was also on the big screen with Horikawa during this interaction with the premiere's audience.
"This film will have lots of action scenes," Yamaguchi said. "And Kid and Heiji will become partners, working together to solve the case. But when it comes to intense duels, it's more about a battle of wits than physical fighting."
A Chinese poster for "Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram." [Image courtesy of China Film Group]
The voice actor mentioned that he expected Kaito Kid's appearance in "Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram," explaining that the antagonist character seems to be casted in installments that are released in the years that the Olympics are held, such as this year's Games in Paris. "And this new film will reveal a new truth about Kaito Kid," he teased.
The two actors also believe Shanghai and Hong Kong would be ideal destinations for their characters to visit because both cities have beautiful nightscapes and high-rise buildings that would be perfect for action scenes.
Kappei Yamaguchi, who also voices Conan's original adult form, Shinichi Kudo, was asked by a Chinese fan when Conan's true identity as Kudo would be exposed. The voice actor laughed, stating: "Let's hope that day will never come, because it means the end of the 'Detective Conan' series."