The children of late singer Michael Jackson, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. (2nd R), Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson (L) and Prince Michael Jackson II (Blanket) (R), poses with their aunt La Toya Jackson during a private ceremony at the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles August 8, 2011. Michael Jackson's children selected 13 pieces of art created and signed by the late King of Pop to be donated to the hospital on Monday.[Photo/Agencies]? |
Sketches by Michael Jackson as well as a signed portrait of the entertainer will decorate the walls of Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
Jackson's three children - Prince, Paris and Blanket - were on hand Monday to unveil the donated artwork. They include a dozen sketches drawn and signed by Jackson and a photographed portrait of him.
The works depicting Mickey Mouse, furniture and other objects were donated by Brett Livingstone-Strong, an artist and friend of Jackson's.
Former "Entertainment Tonight" host Mary Hart, a hospital trustee, arranged the donation. She says the sketches show a different side of Jackson.
The singer's sister, La Toya Jackson, says she believes the art will bring joy to children at the hospital.