A film sequel to 2006's popular TV series "My Own Swordsman" ("Wu Lin Wai Zhuan") is filming now. A group of still photos were released online on Oct. 20, Sina.com.cn reports.
The film assembles the original TV version crew and cast, including director Shang Jing, screenwriter Ning Caishen and actresses Yao Chen and Yan Ni, even though some of them have become very popular and busy since the success of the TV drama.
The original drama was an 80-episode comedy set in ancient China. It's about the many strange and funny stories the owner of a small inn located in a remote Chinese town experiences along with her staff and customers.
Though all the characters wear ancient costumes, they speak exactly like modern young people. It parodies all kinds of current cultural and social trends, winning over many young fans.
The film version will tell us how their lives have continued since then. It will also touch on the popular modern topic of property development and relocation, which will be sure to resonate with today's audience.