The Chinese animation blockbuster "The Dreams of Jinsha" has been previewed before select audiences where it received praises that will help it compete with "Avatar," the world's most successful film ever made.
According to a reporter from the website, people who attended the preview felt excited because they surprisingly found that the figures and themes of the film were similar to the ones found in "Avatar."
In the Chinese film, the city of Jinsha has a beautiful sea, a group of pretty fairies and a blue forest. There is also a lovely princess who comes across a magical boy comes back to the ancient jinsha city. Together they fight against vicious power to protect their homeland. This storyline can be seen as a copy of "Avatar." But the production company revealed that the screenplay was written 5 years ago and it was by chance that the two stories turned out to be similar.
"The Dreams of Jinsha" is so far the most technologically advanced animated film made in China, and it has adopted a Hollywood producing concept which tends to use splendid animation to resonate among people. Instead of amusing audiences with funny stories, the film tries to impress its viewers with love, courage and dreams. For teenagers, this film will be a good experience for their summer vacation.
"The Dreams of Jinsha" is scheduled open nationwide on July 10th.