Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao on Sunday denounced the
remarks on the Taiwan issue made by Therese Shaheen, chairwoman of
the so-called American Institute in Taiwan (AIT).
Shaheen said recently that the United States had never said it
"opposes Taiwan independence" and what the United States said was
that it "doesn't support Taiwan independence".
Not supporting Taiwan Independence does not equal to opposing
Taiwan independence, Shaheen said.
When asked by the press to comment on the remarks, Liu said that
as a matter of fact, US leaders reiterated before Chinese leaders
on many occasions that the United States stood by the one-China
policy, observed the three Sino-US joint communiques and opposed
"Taiwan independence".
Shaheen, who was never present at any meetings between Chinese
and US leaders, had no right to strike that attitude and openly
denied that US leaders had said the United States "opposes Taiwan
independence", Liu said.
"As the Taiwan separatist forces are playing up their tricks,
what Shaheen's intention to make such remarks?" Liu asked.
Liu said it is ridiculous for Shaheen to behave that way. "It's
better for people like Shaheen to be well aware of the
sensitiveness of the Taiwan issue and the danger of Taiwan
separatists, and behave discreetly to avoid being completely
ensnared by the Taiwan separatists."
(Xinhua News Agency November 17, 2003)